Remember what the PHONY media and Party of the Jackass said about Mueller?

Truth Detector

Well-known member
The parallel and similarities with the Ukrainian HOAX to the Russian HOAX are incredible. How do these leftist morons think they can keep running their stale, tired, lie filled playbook?

The Democrats will soon take back both houses- and show the Republicans how it's really done! LOL!

Go ahead! Put a fork in him, because he's just about done! LOL!

I'm confident that the Mueller Report will include sealed indictments for Donald Trump.

Mueller is not going to lose, at best, hung jury, meaning they do it all over again, but you are right, for eight months the right wing media has been bombarding Trump's line that Manafort had nothing to do with the campaign, but if he is somehow found not guilty, they will be shouting that it proves Trump is off the hook and it all is a witch hunt
Just shows they are reaching for straws

I don't think so, I'd estimate at least another year, he will purposely conclude well out from the 2020 election
Irony is even when Mueller concludes that won't be the end of it, especially if the Democrats take the House in November

Trump will be gone before one shovel hits the grown

This will go down in History as High Treason on a National Stage

It'll all be over by Thanksgiving. The Orange Turd will be gone for good.

The douche bag will be out of the White House by Thanksgiving.

Just wait until the Democrats retake both houses of Congress in November.

There will be no vote on Thursday nor any day soon.

If its any consolation to you, Mr. Kavanaugh will never be confirmed

Don Jr. is going to be indicted, I cant wait to see how that plays out. I expect it in December or January.

Meeting with Russians to get them to give something of value to your campaign is a crime.
How can they deny that?
Junior will be indicted and if they can prove Rump himself knew about it he will go down.
Funny to watch Rump throw his son under the bus this morning.

Too early... Maybe Dr. Martin Luther King Day.

I would guess after the November election, around Thanksgiving you will get a full report.

I think it should be public.... But I am SURE it will not, at least not initially.
I suspect it will be kept secret for years. We might get a redacted summary.
Americans should be up in arms about this. Their should be a general strike.

I bet money Rump & Co will fight tooth and nail to keep it secret.

They will work hard to prevent release until at least after November of 2020.

The mid-terms are coming quickly now, Mueller is preparing his October surprises that will far surpass that of Comey, and Manafort's confession is but weeks away when he makes his deal with the prosecutors.
The Trumpanzees are hooting and shrilling as they see their end approaching.

Trump, of course, will come out of the trial looking very bad and possibly end up being charged.

Nunes may end up going to prison along with his helpers.

Mueller is so far ahead of Trump and his base, that when he releases his report, the day before would be Trump and his base against Real America, the day after will be Trump and his base against Real America and the Real World.

A reckoning is coming for the Trump base that will make them pee in their collective pants.

So now the Blue Wave is growing to towering heights and K will not mess with RvW.
Way to go, Trumpers.

Trump is going to come out looking ten times worse than Nixon, or even more.

The story has always been about Trump and Trumper criminality.

The forthcoming Mueller report will reveal them
for the monsters he and his following are.

The nut bag right wrongly thinks Trump is going to escape his campaign's involvement with Russia.

Nunes cannot win the lawsuit.

Mueller is waiting to turn the Page. LOL

Come November, everything.

Trumpty's downturn in the economy has already started.

Trump's lies will catch up to him in November.
The GOP wants a divorce, but it is too late.

The blue wave will decimate him in November.

I think it's a foregone conclusion now that he will be behind bars. I think he was also one of those Congressmen with whom Collins shared insider trading info.

I truly believe that by this time next year, we will be in a recession.
Saved. Date 9-10-2018

When Trump is kicked out of office, expect this profile to be deleted and replaced with one that preaches "classical liberalism" or "libertarianism" or "constitutional Conservatism"...they're going to try putting lipstick on their own pig faces.

Barr has no intention of ever releasing it.

Same here as Frank. If Trump is not guilty of crime according to the investigation of Mueller, (if not derailed by the right maggots and traitors),
I will accept it.

Mueller probably wants to restore some class and dignity to his party by clearing out the filthy trash that has piled up in it.

sometime this year (maybe next month or just after) he'll be a civilian again fighting to avoid the death penalty, let alone on the campaign trail bamboozling the bumpkins once again
The parallel and similarities with the Ukrainian HOAX to the Russian HOAX are incredible. How do these leftist morons think they can keep running their stale, tired, lie filled playbook?






















Saved. Date 9-10-2018





Wow, it's amazing how WRONG these morons were!
Wow, it's amazing how WRONG these morons were!

They can't seem to help themselves. Now they are doubling down on stupid with this Ukrainian Hoax. The transcript is out; there is nothing criminal about it. But the Phony media and the Democratic Party of the Jackass think that ALL Americans are as dimwitted as their constituency is. ;)
My favorite:

LIAR Andy Shifty Schiff: "Significant Evidence" of Trump Collusion
Mar 18, 2018

Mueller Report; Page 173 V I: Ultimately, the investigation did not establish that the Campaign coordinated or conspired with the Russian government in its election-interference activities.
What Mueller said Trump did regards to obstruction is being dealt with in the House impeachment investigation. The first half of Mueller's report was delineating Putin's interference in our election to help Trump. He showed how members of Trump's campaign were involved and several have been indicted. Others are in jail.
When Mueller testified, he essentially said "congress do your job, I was not allowed to.". That is what the Dems are doing.
What Mueller said Trump did regards to obstruction is being dealt with in the House impeachment investigation. The first half of Mueller's report was delineating Putin's interference in our election to help Trump. He showed how members of Trump's campaign were involved and several have been indicted. Others are in jail.
When Mueller testified, he essentially said "congress do your job, I was not allowed to.". That is what the Dems are doing.

What Mueller said Trump did regards to obstruction is being dealt with in the House impeachment investigation. The first half of Mueller's report was delineating Putin's interference in our election to help Trump. He showed how members of Trump's campaign were involved and several have been indicted. Others are in jail.
When Mueller testified, he essentially said "congress do your job, I was not allowed to.". That is what the Dems are doing.

The House impeachment proceedings is being done well by the Dems. The GOP is in disarray.
Jimminy's past predictions:

Trump, of course, will come out of the trial looking very bad and possibly end up being charged.

Nunes may end up going to prison along with his helpers.

Mueller is so far ahead of Trump and his base, that when he releases his report, the day before would be Trump and his base against Real America, the day after will be Trump and his base against Real America and the Real World.

Gillum will show much or not if the Trump wall is cracking.

The right does not get that with Judge K's confirmation, the party loses 60 seats in the House and possibly an unworkable majority of VP and maybe one senator. It will be interesting to see if Collins switches parties after the election.

The House will increase the Blue by 40 to 60 seats.

Whittaker will be indicted for obstruction of justice if he shuts down the investigation.

The story has always been about Trump and Trumper criminality.

The forthcoming Mueller report will reveal them for the monsters he and his following are.