Remember when I said Bush's numbers would drop?


Well-known member

Bush's disapproval numbers close to Nixon's at the end of his presidency!
Yes and if there are not pretty prompt positive results from the surge, they will likely drop a bit further.
Yes and if there are not pretty prompt positive results from the surge, they will likely drop a bit further.
So, when Moqtada AlSadr suddenly decides to embrace the government rather than boycott it, right after the announcement of the new combat rules, you see no positive benefit?

You are gonna come get me? Crap! I'll be good!
Talk is cheap and easy as Bush has demonstrated for 6 years...Lets see what actually happens.
I'm a result oriented type of person. It is exactly what I have said from the beginning, it is what I say often. I want to see first then judge.
Hey, I hope the "Surge" works... Me I kinda thing the Baker-Hamilton report comissioned by the president and written by the experts had some better recomendations.

But, Heck, let Bush do this on his own again, we can see what the result will be.