Remember when leftists said elections could be stolen?

Experts Urge Clinton Campaign to Challenge Election Results in 3 Swing States

Hillary Clinton is being urged by a group of prominent computer scientists and election lawyers to call for a recount in three swing states won by Donald Trump, New York has learned. The group, which includes voting-rights attorney John Bonifaz and J. Alex Halderman, the director of the University of Michigan Center for Computer Security and Society, believes they’ve found persuasive evidence that results in Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania may have been manipulated or hacked.
Don't let Brian Kemp steal Georgia's gubernatorial election

(CNN) If we are honest, the early conventional wisdom was Georgia's Democratic gubernatorial candidate Stacey Abrams had zero chance of beating Republican Brian Kemp. She is a progressive black woman running for governor against a conservative white man in a deep-red state that Trump won handily in 2016.

But the truth is: Her campaign was so good, and she is so compelling, that Abrams would almost certainly be governor-elect right now -- if the election had been fair.

As the final votes are tallied, Kemp enjoys a razor-thin margin -- but it is the product of misconduct so brazen and unethical that UN monitors would likely declare a stolen election if the contest were held in another country.
That's why, right now, every voter in Georgia should be logging onto the secretary of state website or calling Election Protection at 1-866-OUR-VOTE to ensure their votes were counted. Those who cast a provisional ballot should head to their county election office immediately, bringing a ballot receipt and driver's license/ID or proof of citizenship.
Yes i do ! They screamed bloody murder about it for years and then said 'hey... why not just do it ourselves to secure wins ?'.
And so they did !
With China's money of course. China was very glad to help as Trump was fucking their plans up severly.
Yes i do ! They screamed bloody murder about it for years and then said 'hey... why not just do it ourselves to secure wins ?'.
And so they did !
With China's money of course. China was very glad to help as Trump was fucking their plans up severly.

Oh, trump was so tuff on them :laugh:

His great buddy Xi was so admired by trump he was able to slip that virus right under his orange honker.........

He even was able to push them (phase one of lord knows how many phases) to buy some beans while the trade deficit w/ the commies still went up.....

I dunno what he was thinking was gonna change if we sell beans & they sell us high tech goods??

The facts are fucking clear as day

Decades of cold hard court documented proof republicans cheat in elections that go all the way to the SCOTUS

There is no proof for the rights claims

You shit lumps claim American voters cheat

Not one fucking scintilla of proof of it

You lie and cheat

We dont
All it takes is one insider who knows how to flip a switch and the outcome changes. When it comes to voting, should we trust our votes to a computer that doesn’t even spit out a receipt for confirmation? Do you trust your voting machine manufacturer?

Private companies like ES&S, Dominion (previously of Diebold or Sequoia), Smartmatic, and Hart Intercivic make most of the electronic voting machines. Three of five board members at Hart Intercivic are board members at HIG Capital, a global private equity firm that made a significant investment in the voting machine company. The Washington Post reported “HIG employees as a whole have donated $338,000 to the Romney campaign this year, according to Open Secrets.” Hart supplied the electronic voting machines that were used in the 2012 elections in precincts in Ohio, Texas, Oklahoma, Washington, Colorado and many other states.

These connections between candidates and voting machines are too close for my comfort. But it isn’t just the cozy relationship that matters. It’s important to know who has their hands on the ballots and the votes. In study after study, electronic machines have proven incredibly easy to rig.1,2,3,4,5,6 At Princeton University, researchers found that in less than one minute, a criminal could bypass the lock using a simple tool and replace the memory card with one containing malicious code. It’s so easy to open the box that the researchers show how it is done in a video. “Any desired algorithm can be used to determine which votes to steal and to which candidate or candidates to transfer the stolen votes.”

The abstract of the Princeton study goes on: “Malicious software running on a single voting machine can steal votes with very little risk of detection. The malicious software can modify all of the records, audit logs, and counter kept by the voting machine so that even careful forensic examination...will find nothing amiss.” One machine can be rigged within less than a minute and then it goes viral. “An attacker could infect a large population of machines while only having temporary access to a single machine or memory card.” And bear in mind, if you work for the elections office, you don’t even need a key.

It really comes down to this: do you trust the people counting your ballot? “In more than 3,000 counties, parishes and independent cities, voter registration and precinct polling places are still controlled by party functionaries...whose loyalty resides with the leaders of their particular faction, rather than with the people” writes John R. MacArthur, author of You Can’t Be President: The Outrageous Barriers to Democracy in America.7

Besides computer rigging, there is the problem of absentee ballots. My precinct does “polling place voting” where the poll workers have a long list of neighbors they check off as each warm body takes a ballot. This system assures that each person is who they say they are and each voter casts only one vote. By comparison, Oregon and Washington mail out ballots whether you ask for them or not.8 Washington state has become the first to have nearly all mail-in voting. In both states, to verify that the voter is authentic, human counters compare signatures on the registration form to the ballot.

A voter with a legitimate reason to use an absentee ballot, but who forgets to include a copy of their photo ID when mailing it in, may have their vote tossed out unless they hand-carry their paperwork to the proper authorities. To prevent these problems, visit to find out about absentee ballots.

In 2012, one in five Americans (27 million people), voted by absentee ballot. Of those, 258,000 absentee ballots were thrown out for arriving late in the mail, not having valid signatures, not having a matching signature, or “other.”
Oh, trump was so tuff on them :laugh:

His great buddy Xi was so admired by trump he was able to slip that virus right under his orange honker.........

He even was able to push them (phase one of lord knows how many phases) to buy some beans while the trade deficit w/ the commies still went up.....

I dunno what he was thinking was gonna change if we sell beans & they sell us high tech goods??

It opened a massive market but i realize you have no concept of what that means.
Remember 2000, when George W. Bush defeated Al Gore at the ballot box, and in a rare show of fortitude for a Republican, didn't stand by wringing his hands when Gore tried to lawyer his way into the White House.

Liberals were outraged.

Sure, Gore had never been ahead at any point, but OBVIOUSLY election fraud had cost DEMOCRATS the election. :rofl2:

So, DEMOCRATS DEMANDED that we do more to insure the integrity of our elections.

Republicans agreed. and for a while, we finally had an issue where there was genuine bipartisan agreement.

Then came the 2004 elections and many of the same liberals who had requested better, more accurate voting machines claimed the very machines they wanted were being used for fraud - because they didn't get the result they wanted.

That marked the end of the Left's interest in stopping fraud at the ballot box.
"Liberals had high hopes for the president’s address. Finally, Obama would call out the president-elect for what he is; or announce that he would be appointing Merrick Garland during the legislative recess, since he has more right to pick the next Supreme Court justice than the Siberian candidate does; or call on the Electoral College electors to exercise their prerogative to spare the country from an incompetent despot foisted upon this nation by a hostile foreign power."
The difference is that Trump's lies cost lives and forever tarnished both the Office of the Presidency and the legitimacy of American elections. The point that the US began unraveling will be seen as starting with Trump.