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Remember when James Comey was a no good son-of-a-bitch in the neo-communist leftist world for publically dropping a dime on Hillary Clinton’s felonies, but as soon as Trump fired him and he dropped a dime on Trump by leaking his classified memo to the NY Times, he all of a sudden became a neo-communist leftist hero? Remember when Bob Mueller was the hero of the neo-communist world who had the goods on Trump and was about to show it to the world, then all of a sudden he became a Trump cover up puppet of the Orange One when it turned out he, Mueller had squat on Trump? Remember when William Barr was the greatest AG ever confirmed by the Senate and got a 100% vote of confidence for his confirmation in the Senate, then over night he too became a no good criminal bastard Trump puppet when he produced the actual Mueller report showing squat crimes for Trump? Remember when Adam Shiff claimed on every leftist TV network he had the goods on Trump but never produced a dime’s worth of evidence therefore and now he’s a committee chairman still looking for those same goods on Trump? Remember when Congressman Eric Swalwell claimed on every leftist TV channel he had a closet totally full of evidence of Trump collusion with the Russians, but now he’s also a committee chairman who’s yet to produce squat evidence of anything? Remember when CNN was an actual news channel then became a propaganda machine for the Democrat Party And Hillary Clinton? Remember when MSNBC actually was interesting to watch and they were almost fair and balanced politically, then they became shills of the DNC and all of their better reporters left and went to Fox, then Chris Mathews pissed down his leg in euphoric glee when Obama got elected and these days MSNBC is just a failed joke and DNC puppet?
Donald Trump was exactly right when he told America that fake news was the enemy of the people! Leftist media is nothing but a gang of scumbag socialist indoctrinated shills attempting to brainwash the American public and take over America politically. Did anybody watch CNN yesterday after the Mueller report came out? It was a pathetic mob of angry leftist slobs and an insult to journalism and America.
Donald Trump was exactly right when he told America that fake news was the enemy of the people! Leftist media is nothing but a gang of scumbag socialist indoctrinated shills attempting to brainwash the American public and take over America politically. Did anybody watch CNN yesterday after the Mueller report came out? It was a pathetic mob of angry leftist slobs and an insult to journalism and America.