Remember when Trump lied about Project 2025?

Dutch Uncle

* Tertia Optio * Defend the Constitution
Never trust a liar or a pedophile like Donald John Trump.

Project 2025: The right-wing wish list for Trump's second term​

It is a 900-page policy "wish list", a set of proposals that would expand presidential power and impose an ultra-conservative social vision.

During his campaign, Donald Trump repeatedly disavowed Project 2025, after a backlash over some of its more radical ideas.

But he has nominated several of its authors to fill key government positions, and many of his initial executive orders closely follow proposals outlined in the document.

Here's your guide to Project 2025, which lays out one vision of how Trump might govern over the next four years...

...Project 2025 proposes that the entire federal bureaucracy, including independent agencies such as the Department of Justice, be placed under direct presidential control - a controversial idea known as "unitary executive theory"...

And it calls for abolishing the Department of Education, another idea that Trump has signalled he supports.

In other proposals, Project 2025 suggests banning pornography and shutting down tech and telecoms companies that allow access to adult material.

Never trust a liar or a pedophile like Donald John Trump.

Project 2025: The right-wing wish list for Trump's second term​

It is a 900-page policy "wish list", a set of proposals that would expand presidential power and impose an ultra-conservative social vision.

During his campaign, Donald Trump repeatedly disavowed Project 2025, after a backlash over some of its more radical ideas.

But he has nominated several of its authors to fill key government positions, and many of his initial executive orders closely follow proposals outlined in the document.

Here's your guide to Project 2025, which lays out one vision of how Trump might govern over the next four years...

...Project 2025 proposes that the entire federal bureaucracy, including independent agencies such as the Department of Justice, be placed under direct presidential control - a controversial idea known as "unitary executive theory"...

And it calls for abolishing the Department of Education, another idea that Trump has signalled he supports.

In other proposals, Project 2025 suggests banning pornography and shutting down tech and telecoms companies that allow access to adult material.
A guy who has cheated on all three of his wives and never expressed the slightest remorse has to be an expert at lying and deception.
Never trust a liar or a pedophile like Donald John Trump.

Project 2025: The right-wing wish list for Trump's second term​

It is a 900-page policy "wish list", a set of proposals that would expand presidential power and impose an ultra-conservative social vision.

During his campaign, Donald Trump repeatedly disavowed Project 2025, after a backlash over some of its more radical ideas.

But he has nominated several of its authors to fill key government positions, and many of his initial executive orders closely follow proposals outlined in the document.

Here's your guide to Project 2025, which lays out one vision of how Trump might govern over the next four years...

...Project 2025 proposes that the entire federal bureaucracy, including independent agencies such as the Department of Justice, be placed under direct presidential control - a controversial idea known as "unitary executive theory"...

And it calls for abolishing the Department of Education, another idea that Trump has signalled he supports.

In other proposals, Project 2025 suggests banning pornography and shutting down tech and telecoms companies that allow access to adult material.

Did he lie? Or does he have no clue what’s going on? I think it’s the later. He can retain only simple information these days.
hi Ho hi Ho hi Ho..... its off to work the dead beats go...hi Ho hi Ho hi Ho....

The good news is according to the left millions of jobs are going to be open now for lawn care workers, vegetable pickers, maids, fast food workers, roofers and drywallers. So this is REALLY great news!
Going to be a GREAT opportunity for plenty of Unemployed Americans to get jobs now with all the deportations and crackdowns. Thank you POTUS TRUMP.....Promises made,...promises kept!
Never trust a liar or a pedophile
True,.........and never trust any short little sawed off paunchy goofy looking bald guys with size 8 and a half little feetsies. They all tend to suffer from little dick syndrome and lie like mother fers. Lying comes as natural to those types as a pig rolling in the mud.

Like the old song says......

" they got... little hands...little feet... little dicks ....that make them weep weep weep"

True,.........and never trust any short little sawed off paunchy goofy looking bald guys with size 8 and a half little feetsies. They all tend to suffer from little dick syndrome and lie like mother fers. Lying comes as natural to those types as a pig rolling in the mud.

Like the old song says......

" they got... little hands...little feet... little dicks ....that make them weep weep weep"

Triggered....again. :ROFLMAO: :rofl2: :ROFLMAO:
Trump is acting for the benefit of the super-rich. He has billionaires in charge of the agencies. They are hurting the masses, but doing a lot to create the plutocracy. Trumpys have no idea how little Trump and the rich care about them.