Remember when...?


Will work for Scooby snacks
Remember when Howard Dean was elected chairman of the DNC, that it was going to spell doom for the Democratic Party?

Remember when Ned Lamont won the Conn. Dem primary, and the Democratic party had purged virutally all its moderates, was veering wildly to the extreme left, and was bound for electoral irrelevancy?
If you want to really reminisce, go back to fullpolitics & search anything related to Iraq, Terry Schiavo, Howard Dean or the 2006 election prospects for Democrats by Dixie. A more complete listing of wildly unfounded & dead wrong predictions you will not find anywhere else on the planet.

I was searching today because the Defense Dept. just reported that there is even more proof now that there was no link at all between Saddam & Al Qaida; I was trying to find Dixie's post from a couple of years back about some huge cache of documents that we found that was going to trickle out gradually about the overwhelming connection between Saddam & Bin Laden, and turn the Democrats into a permanent minority as a result....
If you want to really reminisce, go back to fullpolitics & search anything related to Iraq, Terry Schiavo, Howard Dean or the 2006 election prospects for Democrats by Dixie. A more complete listing of wildly unfounded & dead wrong predictions you will not find anywhere else on the planet.

I was searching today because the Defense Dept. just reported that there is even more proof now that there was no link at all between Saddam & Al Qaida; I was trying to find Dixie's post from a couple of years back about some huge cache of documents that we found that was going to trickle out gradually about the overwhelming connection between Saddam & Bin Laden, and turn the Democrats into a permanent minority as a result....


Love the way you worded the first paragraph.
If you want to really reminisce, go back to fullpolitics & search anything related to Iraq, Terry Schiavo, Howard Dean or the 2006 election prospects for Democrats by Dixie. A more complete listing of wildly unfounded & dead wrong predictions you will not find anywhere else on the planet.

I was searching today because the Defense Dept. just reported that there is even more proof now that there was no link at all between Saddam & Al Qaida; I was trying to find Dixie's post from a couple of years back about some huge cache of documents that we found that was going to trickle out gradually about the overwhelming connection between Saddam & Bin Laden, and turn the Democrats into a permanent minority as a result....


Using the FP search function, to find multitudes of old Dixie quotes that were wildly off the mark, is more fun than a barrel of monkeys! I used to piss him off so much, when I should how he was virtually always wrong, about anything he predicted about elections or iraq.
I've confronted Dixie w/ his own words a few times on this site. He does this crazy song & dance to avoid admitting his mistakes...something about there being no way anything he said could possibly be wrong, because they were just opinions, and opinions can never be wrong, yada yada yada....

Where is ol' Dix, anyway? I haven't been here in awhile, but it doesn't look like he has been posting...
He's been moving. At least as far as I can gather he has. He won't have internet access for a couple weeks in the interim. I have no idea where he is moving to. The information is spotty at best.
I always imagined that one of those severe weather patterns spawned by global warming came along and blew away his mobile home
LMAO @ Onceler.

I just really was up or that we had access to the archives. That would be golden. Particularly all of our warning posts that Iraq was going to turn into a quagmire, there were was no WMD program, we'd be empowering Iraq etc.

Damo, would it be possible to somehow link Baer's archives to this site? That would be uber-cool. I'd kill to find the posts where Toby said he had 5 degrees, cancer and flew the corporate jet.
I remember when Dano, Dixie, and the rest of the fuckwit crew were crowing about the ultimate demise of The Democratic Party, circa 2004.

These days, The Republican Party is trying to figure out how to "Re-Brand" itself.
I remember when Dano, Dixie, and the rest of the fuckwit crew were crowing about the ultimate demise of The Democratic Party, circa 2004.

These days, The Republican Party is trying to figure out how to "Re-Brand" itself.
I was shocked, no kidding, that Kerry lost that election and that seats were gained by Rs in the house and Senate. Seriously, the result didn't jive with what I expected. I would have predicted a slight loss in the Senate and Congress and the loss of the WH. I'm usually pretty good at that sort of thing.