Remembering The Balanced Budget Amendment


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I read thousands of articles, and tens of thousands of headlines. I doubt if I saw 10 articles in the past 21 years that mentioned the XVII Amendment let alone call for its repeal. Francis P. Sempa’s piece is the exception because he goes all the way to repeal:

Today’s Senate is exhibit #1 in support of repealing the 17th Amendment: Chuck Schumer, Diane Feinstein, Mitch McConnell, Lindsey Graham, Richard Blumenthal, Cory Booker, Richard Durbin, Bernie Sanders, Patrick Leahy, Susan Collins, Mitt Romney -- the list could go on and on. And they were preceded by the likes of Edward Kennedy (the so-called “Lion of the Senate”), Hillary Clinton, Arlen Specter, Robert Byrd, Al Gore (Sr and Jr), Robert Kennedy, Lyndon Johnson, John Kennedy, Sam Ervin, and many others.

September 22, 2021
Repeal the 17th Amendment
By Francis P. Sempa

On my first message board 21 years ago long-serving senators was my main opposition to that nest of traitors in the U.S. Senate.


MEK From Terrorist Cult To State Dept Partner
BY Mint Press News

Robert Torricelli only served one term (1997 to 2003). Mr. Sempa should have included him on his list of senators.

Time magazine called it his “most popular move in years.”

Senior New Jersey senator Robert Torricelli announced that he was not seeking reelection, possibly the best thing to happen to the state since the turnpike.

Naturally, the mag rag —— Time —— had to take a swipe at Mr. Nixon.

Even by the standards of politicians, New Jerseyans deserve a lot better than a bush league Richard Nixon and hopefully they will receive one in November.

By necessity, we make the assumption that politicians play fast and loose with ethics more than the rest of us.

Then there are the people who take that to a new level of prostitution, taking bribes and selling their souls to the highest bidder.

Torricelli Not Seeking Reelection
17 October 2002

In the year 2000 I said this:

I made the mistake of thinking and saying that Mrs. Clinton should answer some tough questions about her past actions, Socialist activities, etc. I now realize that she will only lie to every question that irritates her finer sensibilities. Also, it will do no good to ask her how she will vote on any given issue, because she will answer with words that she thinks will please the majority and then vote the Socialist line when the time comes. One of Mrs. Clinton’s strongest supporters and closest advisors will teach her how it is done. I refer to Sen. Torrecilli of New Jersey. When he first ran for his senate seat the Balanced Budget Amendment to the Constitution was the number one campaign issue. Torrecilli looked the television camera right in the eye and told New Jersey voters that he would vote for that Amendment. When the senate vote was finally taken, Torrecilli voted against keeping the budget balanced with the force of a constitutional amendment behind it. Had he voted as he promised he would vote in order to get elected, the Balanced Budget Amendment would now be in the Constitution. It went down by one vote.

Torrecilli tried very hard to convince Mrs. Clinton to run for Sen. Lautenberg’s New Jersey seat now that he is retiring. Had the U.N. been headquartered in Jersey City she would now be living in Hoboken instead of Chappaqua. I do not mean to be cynical, but does the old saw “Birds of a feather flock together” apply here?

Now, put Torricelli’s vote against the Balanced Budget Amendment in perspective by looking at the trillions of tax dollars the pandemic fraud gave to Big Phama, the United Nations, Third World countries, the International Parasite Class etc., will take in ad infinitum. If that scam is not the jackpot for tax dollar conspiracies swamp creatures ever pulled off it will do until they come up with one that pays more.

Finally, Biden’s long-serving tenure in the Senate —— 36 years —— emphasizes the need to repeal the XVII Amendment. Ask yourself this question if you trust long-serving traitors: Do you really believe that a filthy piece of garbage like a former senator, a former vice president, and a wannabe president would be in bed with Communist China today without the XVII AMENDMENT?

p.s. See:

The XVI Amendment: [A tax on income.]

Published: 11/18/2005 at 1:00 AM


National Archives [Long-serving senators]
Seventeenth Amendment
By: Devvy Kidd
March 2010
Naturally, the mag rag —— Time —— had to take a swipe at Mr. Nixon.

Jonathan Turley, the Shapiro Professor of Public Interest Law at George Washington University, explains in a column what it really cost Trump.

The Washington Post drove Mr. Nixon out of office for doing nothing more than engaging in political dirty tricks.

In the mundane world of journalism Ben Bradlee (1921 - 2014) was akin to John Wayne’s screen persona; a straight shooter; a rock of honesty who never did a wrong thing in his life.

Back when Watergate was happening I thought Bradlee’s motive was less than pure. Even today, detractors fail to mention the fact that he was JFK’s pal on top of hating Richard Nixon for his role in bringing down Alger Hiss. It was not difficult to visualize how hatred must have consumed Bradlee after Nixon rose from the dead and won the presidency in 1968.

It was Bradlee who gave Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein free rein to do whatever was necessary to destroy Nixon over nothing more than political dirty tricks. A lot of Americans believe the Washington Post saved the country from a constitutional crisis when Watergate was nothing more than payback time for Alger Hiss. At the very worst Watergate was a juicy political scandal that would barely register on today’s scandal meter

NOTE: Mr. Nixon made a few mistakes, but he never said or did anything intentionally to betray this country. Can the WAPO say the same thing about the Clintons and Obama?

Long after Nixon’s resignation Bradlee expressed doubts about Deep Throat —— later identified as FBI informant W. Mark Felt —— but Bradlee never admitted he did a hatchet job on Nixon.

Hillary Clinton has been up to her filthy neck in treason for decades, but she will never do a day in prison. In a just world Hillary Clinton should, and can, be impeached if not hanged.

"That warning from an unnamed 'university researcher' captures the most fascinating aspect of the indictment in describing a type of Nixonian dirty tricks operation run by – or at least billed to – the Clinton campaign," wrote Turley. "Fifty years ago, Nixon's personal attorney and the Committee to Re-Elect the President (CREEP) paid for operatives to engage in disruptive and ultimately criminal conduct targeting his opponents. With Clinton, the indictment and prior disclosures suggest that Clinton campaign lawyers at the law firm of Perkins Coie helped organize an effort to spread Russia collusion stories and trigger an investigation."

Hillary, like those caught in the Nixon probe, was ready for just such a trick.

The 'Russia Hoax': It all began with Hillary
By Joseph Farah
Published September 23, 2021 at 7:39pm