Renewed opposition to Trump stirs among establishment Republicans

Guno צְבִי

We fight, We win, Am Yisrael Chai
Earlier this month Alyssa Farah Griffin, once communications director for President Donald Trump, made clear that her loyalties have shifted to former vice-president Mike Pence and the Senate minority leader, Mitch McConnell. “Put me squarely in the Pence/ McConnell camp,” Farah Griffin wrote on Twitter. “Certain denunciations must be unequivocal.”

This drew a sharp retort from Keith Kellogg, who served as Pence’s national security adviser. “As midterms draw close and 2024 looms large, choices will have to be made and lines will be drawn,” he tweeted. “For me – it is Trump.”

The exchange was a microcosm of factional struggles once again boiling to the surface of the Republican party. Trump remains dominant but, with elections in 2022 and 2024 concentrating minds, fragments of the establishment wing are stirring and probing for signs of weakness.
Earlier this month Alyssa Farah Griffin, once communications director for President Donald Trump, made clear that her loyalties have shifted to former vice-president Mike Pence and the Senate minority leader, Mitch McConnell. “Put me squarely in the Pence/ McConnell camp,” Farah Griffin wrote on Twitter. “Certain denunciations must be unequivocal.”

This drew a sharp retort from Keith Kellogg, who served as Pence’s national security adviser. “As midterms draw close and 2024 looms large, choices will have to be made and lines will be drawn,” he tweeted. “For me – it is Trump.”

The exchange was a microcosm of factional struggles once again boiling to the surface of the Republican party. Trump remains dominant but, with elections in 2022 and 2024 concentrating minds, fragments of the establishment wing are stirring and probing for signs of weakness.

Looks like they plan to close Trump out of the running.
Earlier this month Alyssa Farah Griffin, once communications director for President Donald Trump, made clear that her loyalties have shifted to former vice-president Mike Pence and the Senate minority leader, Mitch McConnell. “Put me squarely in the Pence/ McConnell camp,” Farah Griffin wrote on Twitter. “Certain denunciations must be unequivocal.”

This drew a sharp retort from Keith Kellogg, who served as Pence’s national security adviser. “As midterms draw close and 2024 looms large, choices will have to be made and lines will be drawn,” he tweeted. “For me – it is Trump.”

The exchange was a microcosm of factional struggles once again boiling to the surface of the Republican party. Trump remains dominant but, with elections in 2022 and 2024 concentrating minds, fragments of the establishment wing are stirring and probing for signs of weakness.

Trump will soon be penniless and friendless
The smart ones are going to slowly peal away

Then they have dated quotes to revive when Trump lands on his ugly face on 5th Avenue

He no longer has the gravitas to shoot someone on 5th
An NBC News poll last month found that 56% of Republicans now define themselves more as supporters of the party than of Trump, compared with 36% who are first and foremost committed to the former president (this marked a reversal from October 2020 when 54% put Trump above party). But his favorability remains high among registered Republicans – just under 80% in an Economist-YouGov tracking poll – and he is the clear frontrunner for 2024.
Trump will soon be penniless and friendless


He might even be reduced to trolling all day on political chat forums.
And condemning everyone whom does not vote for his party as 'Russian socks' or whatever.
And spreading thousands of posts filled with bile and hatred on said forum every year for well over a decade.

Yes...that would be a sad life, imo.
It’s ebbing

Once the Congress does the public part of the investigation even fox will have to back away from trump

They can’t take any more lawsuits to defend his blatant lies n the face of facts

He might even be reduced to trolling all day on political chat forums.
And condemning everyone whom does not vote for his party as 'Russian socks' or whatever.
And spreading thousands of posts filled with bile and hatred on said forum every year for well over a decade.

Yes...that would be a sad life, imo.

Now go check how many hours I was logged in this week compared to you shit dip
Now go check how many hours I was logged in this week compared to you shit dip


The fact remains that you have posted over 15 YEARS and roughly 10,000 posts per year.
Which is okay on it's own, I guess.

But the fact - that I can see - that you seem to spend most of your time, running around, spewing bile and hatred for everyone you deem not worthy of your respect.
Assuming you have been doing this for 15+ years?
In my book - that is INCREDIBLY pathetic.

Though I will tell you what?
If I am still here in 15 years and have posted over 150, fucking thousand posts!!!
And most of them consist of posting anger and rage and ad hominem's?
Then I, BEG you to please put a bullet in my head.
Because if my life is reduced to that over that term?
I literally would rather be dead.
And I am 100% serious.

We are done here.


Have a nice day.

The fact remains that you have posted over 15 YEARS and roughly 10,000 posts per year.
Which is okay on it's own, I guess.

But the fact - that I can see - that you seem to spend most of your time, running around, spewing bile and hatred for everyone you deem not worthy of your respect.
Assuming you have been doing this for 15+ years?
In my book - that is INCREDIBLY pathetic.

Though I will tell you what?
If I am still here in 15 years and have posted over 150, fucking thousand posts!!!
And most of them consist of posting anger and rage and ad hominem's?
Then I, BEG you to please put a bullet in my head.
Because if my life is reduced to that over a long term?
I literally would rather be dead.
And I am 100% serious.

We are done here.


Have a nice day.

Dear fucking idiot

It’s not illegal to discuss politics

That is what this site is for

I have also been proven to be correct over and over here and I can prove that

Look at my signature

There are links to me being proven correct while taking shit from other putins dick sockets like you Mc Socket

It’s legal to discuss politics here

Unlike in your motherland

Fuck you very much
Earlier this month Alyssa Farah Griffin, once communications director for President Donald Trump, made clear that her loyalties have shifted to former vice-president Mike Pence and the Senate minority leader, Mitch McConnell. “Put me squarely in the Pence/ McConnell camp,” Farah Griffin wrote on Twitter. “Certain denunciations must be unequivocal.”

This drew a sharp retort from Keith Kellogg, who served as Pence’s national security adviser. “As midterms draw close and 2024 looms large, choices will have to be made and lines will be drawn,” he tweeted. “For me – it is Trump.”

The exchange was a microcosm of factional struggles once again boiling to the surface of the Republican party. Trump remains dominant but, with elections in 2022 and 2024 concentrating minds, fragments of the establishment wing are stirring and probing for signs of weakness.

You don't see it on this board.

Conservatives here, almost to a man, have had their lips locked onto Trump's flabby ass for five years