Repeal The Parasite Class


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Michael Walsh’s piece is very informative. As true as Walsh’s hard numbers are they do not encompass the stuff that can ignite a great movement:


The start of all our troubles

Tired of Living Paycheck to Paycheck? Repeal the 16th Amendment
By Michael Walsh January 26, 2019

The XVI Amendment created the parasite class. Freedom-loving Americans will never turn on the wealthy. They never did when Karl Marx was convincing Europeans that equal distribution of the wealth was the way to go. Instead, Marx gave Europe two wars and the Soviet Union.

CIRCULATION OF THE WEALTH implemented by a tax on income was the best Americans Socialists/Communists could come up with. They gave Americans, and the world, the parasite class. Turning on the parasite class is the stuff that would spark off a movement to repeal the income tax.

In plain English repealing the XVI Amendment automatically repeals the parasite class.

The parasite class was created incrementally and secretly. Repealing the XVI Amendment without declaring war on parasites will defeat them incrementally and secretly.

QUESTION: Why is it that Democrats always claim they are defending this country every time they shred the Constitution? ANSWER: Because the Constitution stands in the way of creating a global parasite class beholden to the United Nations.

Finally, no tax is ever repealed. Americans are still paying a tax to fight the Spanish-American War.

The only thing most Americans know about the Spanish-American War is that it had something to do with Teddy Roosevelt. Look on your telephone bill and you will see a tax that was first implemented to pay for the Spanish-American War when relatively few Americans owned a telephone. The telephone tax to finance the Spanish-American War morphed into a fee. Check your telephone bill. The FCC prohibited telephone companies from listing it as a tax on your monthly statement so it became a fee.

The tax started live as five cents. Americans are still paying that war tax although it is a helluva lot higher than a nickel, and they pay the fee on every phone. If you own two land lines, and a cell phone, you pay the fee on all three. The fee increases on every phone in your name and business. (I think the fee is up around four dollars for just one phone. Contact your phone company for details.)

Originally, repealing the Spanish-American War Tax in 1996 was met with great fanfare. Before I had a computer I thought the telephone tax to fund the Spanish-American War had been repealed. I later learned that the Clintons vetoed the repeal. (Hillary was co-president.) I remember the publicity repealing the war tax got, but I originally missed the press’ failure to report the veto.

Citing President Clinton\'s veto of a bill to repeal the 102-year old federal excise tax on telecommunications, Americans for Tax Reform (ATR) today roundly criticized the Clinton-Gore Administration for protecting an outdated tax that widens the digital divide and is putting high-speed Internet access out of reach for over 100,000 Americans.

"Here we go again," said Ron Nehring, director of national campaigns for ATR. "Another tax cut vetoed by the Clinton-Gore White House. The President\'s veto will cost Americans over $4 billion next year, the bill to collect a tax first imposed to fund the Spanish-American War in 1898."

Clinton Sustains Spanish-American War Tax
Posted on Friday, March 31st, 2000, 12:00 PM

Parasites collecting taxes for their own benefit destroy nations. Refusing to repeal a ludicrous tax is tyranny with a half-life longer than radioactive Uranium-238 (4.5 billion years).

p.s. So how come peaceniks, along with all of those liberals who never stop moaning about the military-industrial-complex, never demand an end to funding the Spanish-American War?
Karl Marx started two wars? Hmmm who else started 2 wars? Oh that's right - DUBYA!!!! And trump keeps threatening to start wars - just because he wet his Depends again.
Karl Marx started two wars?

To lisasanders1964: I stand corrected. I should have said “Marx’s ideology gave Europe two wars and the Soviet Union.”

So how come you had nothing to say about the Soviet Union?

Hmmm who else started 2 wars? Oh that's right - DUBYA!!!! And trump keeps threatening to start wars - just because he wet his Depends again.

To lisasanders1964: The Iraq War was a preemptive war of self-defense as were Desert Storm, the Korean War, and the Vietnam War. In short: Fight a war in the enemy’s country before you have to fight it here.

If you will not fight for right when you can easily win without bloodshed; if you will not fight when your victory is sure and not too costly; you may come to the moment when you will have to fight with all the odds against you and only a precarious chance of survival. There may even be a worse case. You may have to fight when there is no hope of victory, because it is better to perish than to live as slaves. Winston Churchill

The problem with people like you is that you always give in to enemies.

Never give in -- never, never, never, never, in nothing great or small, large or petty, never give in except to convictions of honour and good sense. Never yield to force; never yield to the apparently overwhelming might of the enemy. Winston Churchill
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