Repent! Only 11 days left!

Already happened.... Darla pointed out the terrorist attack. Darla is really a fundie in liberal disguise looking for some truth in Pat's preachin'
Already happened.... Darla pointed out the terrorist attack. Darla is really a fundie in liberal disguise looking for some truth in Pat's preachin'

It's not funny when the government sprays citizens with chemicals. They day may come, or maybe already has come, when you think there is something important enough to stand on that line for, and they'll spray you too. I'm so fucking upset about New Orleans on all levels I haven't read Dano's last response on that thread. I am afraid I will post things so bad that i will lose my hard earned reputation as the lady of the JPP board. lol

But I'm only joking on the square. You should have seen the post I typed up and then didn't hit send on. Filled with words that would make you and a couple of your friends here blush.

Anyway, it's not funny.
Didn't God tell him he was going to be president in 1988 too?

There is but one God, Ron Paul, and Beefy is his prophet.

I am not worthy of the title.

This Robertson guy's a real weirdo though. I think he actually believes that God is running around upstairs all worried, and relying on Pat to deliver his messages. The guy's freakin' nuts.
Maybe God was warning him of Murray... I'm sure that the plan, especially entering at the children's wing of the church, was to do far more damage than he was able.
Umm Pat Robertson was smarter than Bush when bush told pat we would have no casualties in Iraq.

And Pat is Dumb , so where does that put Bush ?
God turned a hurricane away from his election headquaters a few years back.
Reminds me of when Swaggart said God told him to come up with millions of dollars by a certain date.

I always wondered .. did God wera a mask while he was sticking him up for money?