Report: Abramoff billed for 485 White House contacts


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WASHINGTON (AP) -- Jack Abramoff had hundreds of contacts with White House officials, but they brought mixed results for the convicted lobbyist's clients, according to a congressional report.

The draft report of the House Government Reform Committee said the documents -- largely Abramoff's billing records and e-mails -- listed 485 lobbying contacts with White House officials over three years, including 10 with top Bush aide Karl Rove.

Abramoff and associates were successful in getting appropriations for some of their Indian clients, but efforts to influence presidential appointments and nominations "were often not successful," according to the report, obtained Thursday.

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Forget about it! This is just more meaningless who-ha from the liberal pinheads who control the liberal media in this liberal country. Everyone knows that Abramhoff is a liar and a thief. He lied about his White House ties and billed for work he never did. There is nothing to this story. Nothing, nothing nothing...
Yep nothing to see here folks, just more blathering by newsboy, who will never support his posts with a reply anyway :)
>>Abramoff and associates were successful in getting appropriations for some of their Indian clients, but efforts to influence presidential appointments and nominations "were often not successful," according to the report

>>The report indicated that Abramoff and associates lobbied on behalf of 19 individuals for administration jobs and only was successful once

>>Another time the lobbyist, who received lucrative payments from Indian tribal clients, was infuriated that some White House officials said they could work with Indian tribes directly without the need for lobbyists.

"This is horrible," Abramoff wrote his colleagues, using an expletive to describe the way he and his associates were being treated

>>It is shocking and deeply disturbing that this admitted and proven liar ripped off his clients by over-billing and over-selling his supposed influence with any number of policymakers," Dana Perino, deputy White House press secretary, said Thursday
Moving to the next aisle we have arachnida, the spiders our finest collection! This friendly little devil is the heptothilidi, unfortunately harmless. Next to him, the nasty licosa raptoria, his tiny fangs cause creeping ulcerations of the skin....
And in the next isle we have ladies Lingerie....TOBY WHAT ARE YOU DOING ???
Moving right along folks , the next isle is lawn furniture....
Moving to the next aisle we have arachnida, the spiders our finest collection! This friendly little devil is the heptothilidi, unfortunately harmless. Next to him, the nasty licosa raptoria, his tiny fangs cause creeping ulcerations of the skin....
Thank you for that valuable information, Alice. Or should I say, Vincent?

Exactly my point Dam, the actual facts usually hurt the libs after they play the word games.

Since when have the libs ever let facts get in the way? You know their motto "sure its fake, but that doesn't mean its not true"
Gaffer , when it comes to the last rush before an election the truth is mostly irrelevant, perception is what matters. Not right but that is the way it is.