Republican Debates last night.


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Man that was funny when Ron Paul asked McCain about President’s Working Group on Financial Markets and McCain had no idea what he was talking about. His rip on Republicans that they should embrace him and his supporters to make the Republican party bigger was nice also.

Rudi did well discussing economic issues especially the question on China.

Romney says whatever is convienient at the time per usual.

Huckabee suprised me that he descibed the fair tax pretty well even though I don't support it.

McCain lying about quotes he mad in the Post was pretty funny also.

After watching I think the nominee will be:

McCain / Rudi
Ron showed just how unprepaired McCain is to be president. He named droped for a full minute as an answer.

I loved that the only response which recieved and applause was when Paul said the war was an idiotic endever.
One of the funnier parts was when Chris Matthews was asking the various candidates about their views of the 2nd amendment. Matthews kept repeating the old fib about if guns were permitted for all law-abiding citizens, then "everybody would have a gun". No matter what the candidate replied, Mathews kept repeating that, his voice rising to the screaming level at times. As usual, the candidates were too classy to tell him he was full of it.

Nothing like an unbiased moderator, eh? But the Republicans didn't seem to mind. BTW, when are the Democrats going to have their debate on Fox News, moderated by Brit Hume and Alan Colmes? I heard a long time ago, that Fox had invited them all. Any response yet? :D
they pretty much all sucked last night I thought.

I dont remember Mathews saying that but then who listens to a word that idiot says anyway?