REpublican fear mongering and 9/11 exploitation starts early...!


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MANCHESTER, N.H. —- Rudy Giuliani said if a Democrat is elected president in 2008, America will be at risk for another terrorist attack on the scale of Sept. 11, 2001.

But if a Republican is elected, he said, especially if it is him, terrorist attacks can be anticipated and stopped.

“If any Republican is elected president —- and I think obviously I would be the best at this —- we will remain on offense and will anticipate what [the terrorists] will do and try to stop them before they do it,” Giuliani said.
the best he can hope for is a veep spot.

and that's if he changes parties because the repugnants are going down.
I found this discusting when Bush did it, I find it worse when Rudy does it.

9/11 happened during a Republican administration, but we are more likely to have another one under a Democratic administration?
I found this discusting when Bush did it, I find it worse when Rudy does it.

9/11 happened during a Republican administration, but we are more likely to have another one under a Democratic administration?

That's all they have to go on.
I get really disapointed in the American people when they fall for this shit and vote out of fear.
I'm pumped, that's going to be a rope around is neck in the end.
Yeah repubs dumass machine is so working. LOL

Rudy even looks like UNDERDOG!!!!:tongout:
If Rudy is elected, I will seriously consider leaving....
Not sure is I could live in a country where people are that stupid.
Bush being re-elected is bad, but if we elect Ghouliani or McCain next time ......