Republican hypocrisy on full display during Cohen testimony.


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For those who watched the Cohen hearing and have not drank the Trump "Kool-aid", a few things were likely obvious:

1. The Republicans were simply astounded by Cohen's propensity to lie, but seem to have no problems with Trump being an habitual liar. Why is that" The answer is simple. What you are watching is the biggest collection of cowards and spineless deplorables to ever wear the label of a Republican. So terrified of the "Bully and his pulpit" that they will now bow at Trumps feet. So scared of a tweet or a primary challenge that they will do Trumps bidding whatever the cost to their own reputations. In the words of Trump himself "So sad".

2. Without exception, Cohen's credibility was questioned (and rightfully so) and his character was assassinated by every Republican member of the committee except one. Most notably by the two biggest Trump "ass kissing" nut jobs on the committee Meadows and Jordan. That said, NOT ONE Republican ever came to Trump's defense during the hearing. In fact, the nicest comments about Trump came from Cohen himself.

Simply put, this speaks volumes about what DC REALLY thinks of DJT.
So the big takeaway for JPP leftists yesterday is that Republicans are hypocrites?


You needed a hearing to find out politicians are hypocrites?
Cohen testified for 8 hours. Does anyone remember any questions, probing or otherwise that the Repubs asked? They had that liar on public display and could have picked him apart. But they had nothing but "liar liar pants on fire". That is your Repug congressmen for all to see. It should have embarrassed you all.