Republican Perv


Let's revisit a recent pervy Republican who likes to wear diapers and have hookers powder his ass...sound familar Donny? Touching a nerve?

Louisiana Senator David Vitter Apologizes Again for Connection to D.C. Madam Scandal
Louisiana Sen. David Vitter apologized again Monday to constituents and friends for his connection to an alleged prostitution ring in Washington, D.C., but said he's been to church and marriage counseling and has received forgiveness from God and his wife.

Vitter added that stories about him visiting a brothel in New Orleans "are not true."

"I want to again offer my deep, sincere apologies to all those I have let down and disappointed with these actions from my past," said the 46-year-old Republican, who lives with his wife, Wendy, and four children in a New Orleans suburb.

Since the time he first admitted to his wife about the dalliances, which he did not detail but claim took place while he was a congressman in the 1990s, Vitter said he has "gotten up every morning committed to trying to live up to the important values we believe in. If continuing to believe in and acknowledge those values causes some to attack me because of my past failings, well, so be it."

"Unfortunately, my admission has encouraged some long-time political enemies and those hoping to profit from the situation to spread falsehoods too, like those New Orleans stories in recent reporting. Those stories are not true," he said.

Wendy Vitter said she chose to forgive her husband when she first learned about Vitter's indiscretions.

"When David and I dealt with this privately years ago, I forgave David. I made the decision to love him and to recommit to our marriage. To forgive is not always the easy choice, but it was and is the right choice for me. David is my best friend," she said.

"Last week, some people very sympathetically said to me, 'I wouldn't want to be in your shoes right now.' I stand before you to tell you very proudly, I am proud to be Wendy Vitter," she added.

The remarks were the first public statements since Vitter was linked to the alleged D.C. Madam and a high-priced brothel in his hometown. His comments came a week after he first apologized and then went into seclusion following the revelation that his telephone number appeared on phone records of Pamela Martin and Associates, an escort service in Washington, D.C.

Federal prosecutors have accused Deborah Jeane Palfrey, who ran Pamela Martin and Associates, of racketeering. The service netted more than $2 million in the 13 years since it opened in 1993. Palfrey contends that her escort service was a legitimate business offering sexual fantasies. A judge ruled last week that Palfrey is permitted to release the records.

A day after the thousands of numbers were posted on her Web site, a former madam in New Orleans claimed Vitter frequented her establishment. Jeanette Maier said Vitter was once a client of the Canal Street brothel. She pleaded guilty to running the operation in 2002. Vitter won his seat in the U.S. Senate in 2004.

Saying he was a "decent guy" who appeared to be in need of company when he visited the brothel, Maier added unexpected details to a scandal enveloping the first-term conservative senator.,3566,289531,00.html
Let's revisit a recent pervy Republican who likes to wear diapers and have hookers powder his ass...sound familar Donny? Touching a nerve?

Louisiana Senator David Vitter Apologizes Again for Connection to D.C. Madam Scandal
Louisiana Sen. David Vitter apologized again Monday to constituents and friends for his connection to an alleged prostitution ring in Washington, D.C., but said he's been to church and marriage counseling and has received forgiveness from God and his wife.

Vitter added that stories about him visiting a brothel in New Orleans "are not true."

"I want to again offer my deep, sincere apologies to all those I have let down and disappointed with these actions from my past," said the 46-year-old Republican, who lives with his wife, Wendy, and four children in a New Orleans suburb.

Since the time he first admitted to his wife about the dalliances, which he did not detail but claim took place while he was a congressman in the 1990s, Vitter said he has "gotten up every morning committed to trying to live up to the important values we believe in. If continuing to believe in and acknowledge those values causes some to attack me because of my past failings, well, so be it."

"Unfortunately, my admission has encouraged some long-time political enemies and those hoping to profit from the situation to spread falsehoods too, like those New Orleans stories in recent reporting. Those stories are not true," he said.

Wendy Vitter said she chose to forgive her husband when she first learned about Vitter's indiscretions.

"When David and I dealt with this privately years ago, I forgave David. I made the decision to love him and to recommit to our marriage. To forgive is not always the easy choice, but it was and is the right choice for me. David is my best friend," she said.

"Last week, some people very sympathetically said to me, 'I wouldn't want to be in your shoes right now.' I stand before you to tell you very proudly, I am proud to be Wendy Vitter," she added.

The remarks were the first public statements since Vitter was linked to the alleged D.C. Madam and a high-priced brothel in his hometown. His comments came a week after he first apologized and then went into seclusion following the revelation that his telephone number appeared on phone records of Pamela Martin and Associates, an escort service in Washington, D.C.

Federal prosecutors have accused Deborah Jeane Palfrey, who ran Pamela Martin and Associates, of racketeering. The service netted more than $2 million in the 13 years since it opened in 1993. Palfrey contends that her escort service was a legitimate business offering sexual fantasies. A judge ruled last week that Palfrey is permitted to release the records.

A day after the thousands of numbers were posted on her Web site, a former madam in New Orleans claimed Vitter frequented her establishment. Jeanette Maier said Vitter was once a client of the Canal Street brothel. She pleaded guilty to running the operation in 2002. Vitter won his seat in the U.S. Senate in 2004.

Saying he was a "decent guy" who appeared to be in need of company when he visited the brothel, Maier added unexpected details to a scandal enveloping the first-term conservative senator.,3566,289531,00.html
had absolutely nothing to do with me, in fact I don't think I even commented on the issue. course now this would sit very squarely in you Modus Operendi. at least the way you talk.

And thei is a very strange way to ignore me. HEH HEH.
She sure relished all this sexual stuff doesn't she. That seems to be almost the only thing she posts about recently.

Who doesn't? Anyhow, how much did you pay last time you were at a brothel? I'll bet legalization would bring up the quality.
Fundamentally, its wrong to outlaw it.

Tell that to the religious supoporters of the Republican party :D

Any politician who does that will spiral down in flames.
Many non religious voters are against prostitution as well.
Who doesn't? Anyhow, how much did you pay last time you were at a brothel? I'll bet legalization would bring up the quality.
I was at a brothel in wyoming, when I was 29. AS A TAXI DRIVER. I didn't participate --then, or ever with a prostitute.
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Tell that to the religious supoporters of the Republican party :D

Any politician who does that will spiral down in flames.
Many non religious voters are against prostitution as well.

Think about the Goldwater effect. That politician may go down in flames, but the debate that extreme candidate will stir will cause his issues to at least be put before the people. Hell, think about it, what if an atheist who supported univervsal healthcare and a guaranteed minimum income, believed in legalized prostitution and pot, and, for good measure, spoke warmly of adolescent sexual experimentation. He would be relegated to the trash heap of history. But, maybe, just maybe, an anti-Reagan would pop up one day and take advantage of that.
Think about the Goldwater effect. That politician may go down in flames, but the debate that extreme candidate will stir will cause his issues to at least be put before the people. Hell, think about it, what if an atheist who supported univervsal healthcare and a guaranteed minimum income, believed in legalized prostitution and pot, and, for good measure, spoke warmly of adolescent sexual experimentation. He would be relegated to the trash heap of history. But, maybe, just maybe, an anti-Reagan would pop up one day and take advantage of that.

Give up on legalizing prostitution for many years.
We are far too prudish as a nation.
Heck we run for a cop if we see a woman topless on a beach.
Beefy, there are some people that simply don't stray. I am one of them. whether you want to beleive it or not.

I agree I have never paid for it or cheated on a spouse. However I think marriage is paying for it.
The point is why do you impose you viewpoint on others on this ?
You appear to be trying to judge everyone based on your morals. Becoming a preacher Don ?