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The possibility of President Donald Trump losing to Vice President Joe Biden in November isn’t the only thing that Republican strategists are worried about: they also fear that Democrats will achieve a majority in the U.S. Senate and increase the majority they presently hold in the U.S. House of Representatives.
And in a new piece for Vice, Journalist Cameron Joseph reveals the worries of Republican insiders who fear that November could be another Democratic wave election.
“President Trump’s poll numbers have never been worse, and Republicans are starting to panic that he could be headed to a historic wipeout that could drag the rest of the party down with him,” Joseph explains. “Trump has trailed former Vice President Joe Biden by almost 10 points in recent national polling. And Republicans privately admit things look just as bad at the local level.”
The “privately” part is important. It isn’t hard to find Trump allies and GOP strategists who are happy to go on Fox News, put on their best game faces and insist that Trump is headed for landslide reelection. But what Republican strategists tell Laura Ingraham or Sean Hannity at Fox News and what they’re really thinking can be two different things, and anonymous sources often speak with a candor that they wouldn’t have if their names were attached to a website article or a cable news appearance.
The words “anonymity” and “anonymous” are used a lot in Joseph’s piece, which offers insights on what some people who are quite active in the GOP think about this year’s election. The people speaking to Vice aren’t feeling the least bit optimistic. One of them told Vice, “The environment really sucks for us right now. We’ve got a worldwide pandemic, the economy is slipping — and now, we have a race war tacked on. [If] the election were held today, we’d be talking about a wipeout. We’d be in landslide territory.”
Another anonymous GOP strategist told Vice, “I had a call this week with my entire team. It became a 15-minute conversation. Literally every single race we’re involved in, we’re seeing Trump’s numbers dip. And most concerning is the slip with seniors.” That source used the word “devastating” to describe how bad he or she thinks things would be for Republicans if the election were held this month instead of in November.
And in a new piece for Vice, Journalist Cameron Joseph reveals the worries of Republican insiders who fear that November could be another Democratic wave election.
“President Trump’s poll numbers have never been worse, and Republicans are starting to panic that he could be headed to a historic wipeout that could drag the rest of the party down with him,” Joseph explains. “Trump has trailed former Vice President Joe Biden by almost 10 points in recent national polling. And Republicans privately admit things look just as bad at the local level.”
The “privately” part is important. It isn’t hard to find Trump allies and GOP strategists who are happy to go on Fox News, put on their best game faces and insist that Trump is headed for landslide reelection. But what Republican strategists tell Laura Ingraham or Sean Hannity at Fox News and what they’re really thinking can be two different things, and anonymous sources often speak with a candor that they wouldn’t have if their names were attached to a website article or a cable news appearance.
The words “anonymity” and “anonymous” are used a lot in Joseph’s piece, which offers insights on what some people who are quite active in the GOP think about this year’s election. The people speaking to Vice aren’t feeling the least bit optimistic. One of them told Vice, “The environment really sucks for us right now. We’ve got a worldwide pandemic, the economy is slipping — and now, we have a race war tacked on. [If] the election were held today, we’d be talking about a wipeout. We’d be in landslide territory.”
Another anonymous GOP strategist told Vice, “I had a call this week with my entire team. It became a 15-minute conversation. Literally every single race we’re involved in, we’re seeing Trump’s numbers dip. And most concerning is the slip with seniors.” That source used the word “devastating” to describe how bad he or she thinks things would be for Republicans if the election were held this month instead of in November.