Republicans are everything Democrats claim they are


He cries for attention. :)
I am not sure anything is clear to morons like Aproudlefty, evince, BidenforPresident etc etc etc. ;)

Hello Truth Deflector. :awesome:

But it was Democrat and former Ku Klux Klan Grand Kleagle Robert Byrd who personally filibustered the Civil Rights Act of 1964 for more than fourteen hours.

Hurr durr derpy the Democrats of the past were the same as Democrats of today. :rolleyes:

I suppose JFK and his brother were racists.
Democrats claim they support free speech, but then they label opposition speech as “hate speech” in order to suppress it.


Liberals tell white conservatives they cannot express an opinion on race

And yet they go apeshit over CRT.

and tell men they cannot hold an opinion opposed to abortion.

Are they capable of getting pregnant?

Democrats like to characterize Republicans as poorly educated religious nuts bitterly clinging to God and their guns.

Well from what we see of GOP today, it would make people think that way.

Yet radical liberal activists, who support Democrats and are supported by them, have been the first to resort to violence in the recent Black Lives Matter “protests” that have often escalated into riots.

Always that retarded strawman.

Twitter, Facebook and Instagram constantly suppress free speech if it is not in synch with regressive narratives and woke speak. Try posting an opposing view on Covid.

It is called Terms of Condition. Look it up.
Thread translation:


flail·ing | \ ˈflā-liŋ \
1: moving, swinging, or beating wildly like a flail —used especially of a person or a person's limbs
b: clumsy or ineffectual