Republicans are wanting Trump to lose Big.

Port Tack

Verified User
Maybe not the MAGA Trump Nazi's, but certainly Republicans that want to start thinking about the future!

If Republicans Want to Win, They Need Trump to Lose — Big​

The best possible outcome in November for the future of the Republican Party is for former President Donald Trump to lose and lose soundly. GOP leaders won’t tell you that on the record but it's what they want. Trump will never concede defeat, no matter how thorough his loss. The more decisively Vice President Kamala Harris wins the popular vote and electoral college the less political oxygen he’ll have perform his 2020 antics; and, importantly, the faster Republicans can begin building a post-Trump party.
For most Republicans who’ve not converted to the Church of MAGA, this scenario is barely even provocative. In fact, asking around with Republicans last week, the most fervent private debate I came across in the party was how best to accelerate Trump’s exit.
Just how does the Republican party think Trump has a chance when so many from his own party want to see him lose?
Its a UniParty, and they dont work for the American people.

Its time for you to wake up now.


Playbook: The Republicans secretly rooting for a Trump loss​

A few days ago, conservative commentator ERICK ERICKSON raised eyebrows in GOP circles when he spilled a dirty little secret. Republicans are privately OK with a DONALD TRUMP loss on Election Day. It’s not just the Never Trumpers. Some of the Republicans wishing for a Trump loss include long-standing GOP figures throughout the nation who bleed red and wouldn’t dare say this publicly but who are more than ready to move on from the Trump era.

I don't know what your fucking stupid Uniparty is but with so many republicans wanting to see your fuhrer lose it's pretty hard to think he won't.
I don't know what your fucking stupid Uniparty is but with so many republicans wanting to see your fuhrer lose it's pretty hard to think he won't.
In this UniParty the D's are the Bigs....the R's are the Littles.....cucks is a great name for them.
"Conservatives have failed, and they have failed all the way.....just look at where we are"
Hawkeye the Wise
I don't know what your fucking stupid Uniparty is but with so many republicans wanting to see your fuhrer lose it's pretty hard to think he won't.
If you don't know what the Uniparty is you should not be posting here.