Republicans become "3rd party"!

They need to pay some large price for their irresposnible action by the party of personal responsibility.

But this has been their path thru history. get on top for a short time and get bumped down fo wuite a while. I wonder why ? :rolleyes:
The final elections do not matter. You can vote for anyone no matter your registration. why change back ?
Yeah I wish I could just register as a citizen, but Independent is a political party label. So I just keep my republican registration.

The Democrats have always had an advantage in party registration over Republicans. I think that's because Democrats have tended to be a more catch-all party. In the forties and fifties more than a majority of Americans were registered Democrats, although those days are long gone. But independents have often sored over Republicans, and in most of the 90's there were more independents than Republicans or Democrats.

This, of course, isn't taking into account the fact that many states don't even require registration.

Jarod, it isn't like this isn't anything new. And it doesn't make the Republicans a third party, being as that most "independets" obviously vote for one of the two parties.
The Democrats have always had an advantage in party registration over Republicans. I think that's because Democrats have tended to be a more catch-all party. In the forties and fifties more than a majority of Americans were registered Democrats, although those days are long gone. But independents have often sored over Republicans, and in most of the 90's there were more independents than Republicans or Democrats.

This, of course, isn't taking into account the fact that many states don't even require registration.

Jarod, it isn't like this isn't anything new. And it doesn't make the Republicans a third party, being as that most "independets" obviously vote for one of the two parties.

Do you have a cite of did you just make this up?

Hell I would join Teddy's 'Bull Moose Party' ifn' I could find their address...but alas I will have to settle for the 'American Conservative Independent Party' affilliation...***sigh***;)
Why do independents break for the Democrat at a higher percentage than for the Republican?
Why do independents break for the Democrat at a higher percentage than for the Republican?

Not true...there are two types of Independents...conservative and Liberals...GOP and DNC...both break for the party who represents them the best...however if a true Independent with credentials ever ran...either side, then they would get all the votes from the afformentioned side!
The GOP and DNC hate this thought!
Not true...there are two types of Independents...conservative and Liberals...GOP and DNC...both break for the party who represents them the best...however if a true Independent with credentials ever ran...either side, then they would get all the votes from the afformentioned side!
The GOP and DNC hate this thought!

Every polling report Ive ever read said that independents break for the DEmocrats ususall about 2 to 1!
Jarod, if that were true Democrat would get 60-70% of the vote in every congressional and presidential election. They haven't done that since the thirties.