APP - Republicans Palling Around With Assad



Syrian President Bashar Assad held talks Sunday with three members of the US House of Representatives in a review of US-Syrian relations, regional developments and the stalled Mideast peace process. Representatives Frank Wolf (Republican, Virginia), Joe Pitts (Republican, Pennsylvania) and Robert Aderholt (Republican, Alabama) had arrived in Damascus on Saturday on a two-day visit. The official Syrian News Agency SANA said the two sides also discussed the situation in Iraq in addition to the Mideast regional issues. Earlier in the day, the US delegation held talks with Syrian Foreign Minister Walid al-Moallem. On Saturday, the three congressmen held talks with Syria's grand mufti, Ahmed Hassoun.

John Boehner on republicans visiting Syria:

Boehner declined to criticize [fellow Republican Rep. David Hobson] for joining Pelosi, saying her stature gave the visit an imprimatur it didn't deserve.

"It's one thing for other members to go," Boehner said, "but you have to ask yourself, ‘Why is Pelosi going?' She's going for one reason and that is to embarrass the president. She is the speaker of the House. She's giving (the Syrian) government more credit than they deserve. They sponsor terrorism. They have not been at all helpful. I wish she wasn't there