Republicans pushing Christianity into public schools are hitting resistance — even in red states


“It’s the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown”

Republicans pushing Christianity into public schools are hitting resistance — even in red states​

New policies in places like Florida, Louisiana and Oklahoma are rekindling the debate over the separation of church and state.

Florida now allows chaplains in public schools. Oklahoma and Texas are looking to infuse Bible lessons into curricula. And Louisiana wants to set up Ten Commandments displays in classrooms.

But these efforts to push Christianity into public schools are hitting a wall of hostility in conservative-led states, including lawsuits, protests and resistance from local officials.

The clash of religion, politics and local control represents an unusual challenge for a spreading education policy model led by influential conservative leaders. And it’s sparking a legal fight over the separation of church and state that could end up before the conservative-controlled Supreme Court.
Good. Schools do enough damage teaching the bullshit they are right now. I can't imagine the damage they would cause by trying to teach religion
This is coming at a time when the churches are feeling threatened. It has the feel of desperation. For decades attendance has been slowly but steadily dropping.