Republicans Throwing Out Playbook On War & Terrorism: Maybe This is Why!


Senior Member
Sure glad Bush and the Republicans don’t pay any attention to polls. But maybe Frist does. I don’t know for sure but it does seem to me like a bit of a coinky-dink that on the same day that the Gallup comes out they decide to shelve the War talk..

Gallup: 54% Want Iraq Pullout Within a Year

By E&P Staff

Published: October 25, 2006 12:45 PM ET

NEW YORK Politicians, top administration officials -- and editorial writers -- may be reluctant to do it, but a majority of Americans now embrace the concept of a speedy U.S. withdrawal from Iraq. A new Gallup poll released today finds that 20% urge an "immediate" pullout with another 34% backing a full withdrawal within one year, for a total of 54%.

Only 9% want to send more troops. The poll of 1,007 adults was taken Oct. 20-22.

The poll also found near record level of 58% calling the war a "mistake."

Slightly more (21% vs. 19%) say the insurgents, not our forces, are winning , with 58% declaring neither.

About 2 in 10 Democrats say the war is "going well," compared with nearly 6 in 10 Republicans -- but the key is that Independents side very closely (26%) with the Democrats.

According to the survey, 64% of Americans say things are going badly for the United States in Iraq, including 35% who say they are going "very badly." Just 35% of Americans say things are going well -- although most Republicans still feel that way. "That matches the worst assessment of the situation in Iraq Gallup has measured," the organization points out.

Full Tragic Story & Poll Numbers
Well at least it looks like we have finally reached a real genuine turning point on the War in Iraq...and that is a good thing...Bush has finally given up defending his ignorance and his lies. I guess he is ready to accept the consequences of his fabrications...
Well at least it looks like we have finally reached a real genuine turning point on the War in Iraq...and that is a good thing...Bush has finally given up defending his ignorance and his lies. I guess he is ready to accept the consequences of his fabrications...

Now maybe Dixhead will give up defending them also.........