Republicans Trying To Whip Up The Base; Losing Christians Through Voter Apathy!


Senior Member
Gosh can anyone really believe this story, I think this is just poopaganda being printed up to give the poor hapless American Democrats who haven’t had any good news since the Clinton articles of impeachment were defeated in the Senate in the late 90s, a final gasp before strangling them yet again. I think this story shows just how tricky that Rove fella is, he wants to make sure that the Democrats think this is all sewn up before sending them into defeat for a third and final time. Yeah, he knows there is nothing worse than suffering defeat when you are the favorite so he wants to devastate the Democrats psychologically as well as electorally. He’s one rough customer that Rove. Never believe a single story he plants. And the Democrats, they still don’t have a clue about how to run a race, let alone win one. They are the epitome of "watch what I do and avoid it at all costs, learn by my bad example," mentors.

U.S. Conservatives Frustrated by Republicans

By John Whitesides and Ed Stoddard
Fri Sep 22, 6:55 PM ET

Religious conservatives voiced frustration on Friday with Republican Party leaders and their failure to push key social initiatives through the U.S. Congress and said it could hurt voter turnout in November's elections.

At a "Values Voters Summit" sponsored by leading religious conservative groups, some activists said President George W. Bush and Republican leaders showed too much pragmatism and too little concern for issues like abortion, immigration and banning gay marriage.

"There is no question people are frustrated with the Republican Party. The message it sends is: 'We don't care where you stand, we just want you to be a Republican,"' said Phil Burress, president of the Ohio-based Citizens for Community Values.

Burress was a leader in the state's 2004 fight for a ballot initiative banning gay marriage, credited with helping turn out conservative support for Bush. He said he was not sure religious conservatives would turn out with the same vigor in 2006.

"There is a big number who may not show up to vote," he said.

Social and religious conservatives are a crucial Republican voting bloc as the party battles to keep control of Congress in November's elections. Bolstering their turnout has been a top concern for the White House.

"In the next weeks before the election they are going to realize that if they want to mobilize the conservative social values base they are going to have to keep our issues on the agenda and not just pay lip service," said Chris Slattery, an anti-abortion activist from New York.

"There is some sense the people's priorities haven't necessarily been Washington's priorities. There is frustration," said Gov. Mike Huckabee of Arkansas, one of a handful of potential 2008 Republican White House candidates who addressed the gathering.

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