Republicans turning on trump, fleeing the party


Sasse has been a Never Trumper from the get go

Next you will be telling us Jeff Flake is turning on Trump
note this idiot says

"turning on trump"

instead of saying the republican party

trump already destroyed the party

it now means trump

why would anyone want to retain the label of republican after this trump mess is done?

they will form a new party because trump destroyed the once proud republican party name
These posts are meaningless if the Dems don't get back the house in 2 months. Predictions are just a sport for political junkies. You read them and weigh them like college football rankings.
The GOP got what they wanted out of the clown, they'll start pretending to be all aghast now. The NYT oped was the first step.

Sasse has been a Never Trumper from the get go

Next, you will be telling us Jeff Flake is turning on Trump

But always a Republican, which is the point. repubs are being driven out by Trump. Did not say Daffy lovers are fleeing, although that is probably true too.