Republicans used to think Lieberman was too liberal...


Well-known member
When Albert Gore choose Lieberman as his VP, Republiacns called him "to Liberal for America"... Now they say he was a moderate..

Republicans - they will say anything to stay in power.
"We clearly come from different political perspectives. Joe is a Democrat from New England, I'm a Republican from the west, from Wyoming."

WHo said above?
"Al Gore and I agree on most everything, but we disagree on some things."

Who said above?
Joe is a Liberal, always has been. That's what is so scary about this. Liberals are eating their own over the war. Just six short years ago, this man was picked to head the Democratic ticket for Vice President. The Democratic SPIN at the time, was that Lieberman brought the ticket closer to mainstream America, a more "moderate" or "centrist" perspective to offset Gore's liberal persona.

One thing I can say for Joe, despite his liberal mental affliction, he exhibited outstanding statesmanship and civility in debate. Of course, it wasn't like that did him a lot of good in THIS party. But really... I think it's good you guys got rid of the Jew, it's hard to take a pro-terrorist, anti-Israel stance with a Jew in your party.
Joe is a Liberal, always has been. That's what is so scary about this. Liberals are eating their own over the war. Just six short years ago, this man was picked to head the Democratic ticket for Vice President. The Democratic SPIN at the time, was that Lieberman brought the ticket closer to mainstream America, a more "moderate" or "centrist" perspective to offset Gore's liberal persona.

One thing I can say for Joe, despite his liberal mental affliction, he exhibited outstanding statesmanship and civility in debate. Of course, it wasn't like that did him a lot of good in THIS party. But really... I think it's good you guys got rid of the Jew, it's hard to take a pro-terrorist, anti-Israel stance with a Jew in your party.

Your post brought me to tears Dixie.

When I think on where the Jew would be today, without the American conservative, especially the Southern conservative...well, it does not bear thinking on!

The american Southern conservative, historically always ready to jump for joy over a Jew. God love you guys.
Joe is a Liberal, always has been. That's what is so scary about this. Liberals are eating their own over the war. Just six short years ago, this man was picked to head the Democratic ticket for Vice President. The Democratic SPIN at the time, was that Lieberman brought the ticket closer to mainstream America, a more "moderate" or "centrist" perspective to offset Gore's liberal persona.

One thing I can say for Joe, despite his liberal mental affliction, he exhibited outstanding statesmanship and civility in debate. Of course, it wasn't like that did him a lot of good in THIS party. But really... I think it's good you guys got rid of the Jew, it's hard to take a pro-terrorist, anti-Israel stance with a Jew in your party.

Its called accountability, Dixie.

Accoutability is a word I wouldn't imagine you're familiar with - your being from the party that won't fire Donald Rumsfeld.

Lieberman is delusional about the Iraq War. He's not representing his constituents views. Or the views of mainstream america. 60% oppose your war now; only 36% approve.

Its about the war. Not about liberals versus moderates. Othewise, ultra-liberal Cynthia McKinney wouldn't have gone down to defeat yesterday. She was kind of a whacked-out cop-beating loon, and she was held accountable by democratic voters.
Your post brought me to tears Dixie.

When I think on where the Jew would be today, without the American conservative, especially the Southern conservative...well, it does not bear thinking on!

The american Southern conservative, historically always ready to jump for joy over a Jew. God love you guys.

LMAO :cof1: I actually spit out my drink when I read that.
Joe is a Liberal, always has been. That's what is so scary about this. Liberals are eating their own over the war. Just six short years ago, this man was picked to head the Democratic ticket for Vice President. The Democratic SPIN at the time, was that Lieberman brought the ticket closer to mainstream America, a more "moderate" or "centrist" perspective to offset Gore's liberal persona.

One thing I can say for Joe, despite his liberal mental affliction, he exhibited outstanding statesmanship and civility in debate. Of course, it wasn't like that did him a lot of good in THIS party. But really... I think it's good you guys got rid of the Jew, it's hard to take a pro-terrorist, anti-Israel stance with a Jew in your party.

Yep, they got rid of him because he is a Jew. You certainly are the champion of inclusion Dix. Its really great that you brought the fact that he is Jewish into this thread, as it was so obviously festering under the surface until you, the champion of tolerance, brought it up. *sigh*
