Republicans vote down Cyber Security Bill.


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"Senate votes down Lieberman, Collins Cybersecurity Act a second time"

"Senate Republicans blocked the bill in August over concerns that it would saddle industry with burdensome new regulations. The U.S. Chamber of Commerce had lobbied fiercely against the measure over the past year."

This was said 10 years ago.

"National security experts say there is no issue facing this nation more pressing than the threat of a cyber attack on our critical infrastructure," Reid said. "Terrorists bent on harming the United States could all too easily devastate our power grid, our banking system or our nuclear plants."
Not sure what the Problem is. You don't need to be much of a Genius to see what could happen.
Like, Hackers get ahold of the Air Traffic Control system. :(

Or that pipeline serving the SE and NE parts of the United States? DoD comm systems? DC and NYC's power grids?

Simplistic moron response: Let's open up Keystone, that will fix the problem!! :laugh:
"Senate votes down Lieberman, Collins Cybersecurity Act a second time"

"Senate Republicans blocked the bill in August over concerns that it would saddle industry with burdensome new regulations. The U.S. Chamber of Commerce had lobbied fiercely against the measure over the past year."

This was said 10 years ago.

"National security experts say there is no issue facing this nation more pressing than the threat of a cyber attack on our critical infrastructure," Reid said. "Terrorists bent on harming the United States could all too easily devastate our power grid, our banking system or our nuclear plants."

2012????? Really?
Really! Party of No. When do Republicans start looking after the Country???

Am I suppose to believe you anti American cunts are looking out for us? You're more stupid than I imagined and.mybomaginenis wild with how fucking stupid I thing you retards are.
Am I suppose to believe you anti American cunts are looking out for us? You're more stupid than I imagined and.mybomaginenis wild with how fucking stupid I thing you retards are.

Have you considered addressing the issue?
The reds knew hacking was helpful to them. They do not care about the country. America is what they say it is. It is not about the constitution, The wealthy have a thirst for power that is insatiable. After they have the power taken from the people. They will turn on each other. If you have young children, they will be living in a plutocracy.