REpub's should nominate a social liberal like... McCain, Gulianni or Romney!


Well-known member
Id consider any one of them provided they dont flip flop on the social liberalism they have espoused in the past!
I could live with Romney, McCain is Bush's B!tch, and Guiliani, I can take or leave.
I wish I had a dollar for every time somebody promised to move when somebody was elected, then didn't....

Actually, I'd rather that they had moved than have the dollars.
I wish I had a dollar for every time somebody promised to move when somebody was elected, then didn't....

Actually, I'd rather that they had moved than have the dollars.

Haha......especially if it were the like of Alec Baldwin......or the Oh Brother Where Art Thou guy...can't think of his name but I can't stand his politics.

Anyway, to the point of this thread, I believe that is just what the republicans will do.....and I won't probably won't vote at all.
Unless we have a dramatic turnaround in Iraq this year, there is no way McCain will get elected.
He has thrown in with bush on this final pot, and it is winner take all.
Unless we have a dramatic turnaround in Iraq this year, there is no way McCain will get elected.
He has thrown in with bush on this final pot, and it is winner take all.

I believe that to be absolutely true uscitizen. It's like one last gasp and putting all your eggs in one basket.........matters not to Bush but can/will irreparably damage McCain. The only way for it not to is for the violence to subside and our troops to come home within a nominal timespan.....sadly, something that I don't think will happen.
I believe that to be absolutely true uscitizen. It's like one last gasp and putting all your eggs in one basket.........matters not to Bush but can/will irreparably damage McCain. The only way for it not to is for the violence to subside and our troops to come home within a nominal timespan.....sadly, something that I don't think will happen.

Yes, I totally agree.
Yeah, but I figured bush and McCain were yours bought and owned.
You are the little voice Bush mistook for Gods when he said there would be no casualties. I guess you were busy talking to Robertson and bush caught some carryover....
Hey, I didn't have to pay anything for those two. I just let nature take her course, as it were.

And no, I didn't have anything to do with that "no casualties" thing. I wish I'd thought of it, truth to tell. Let's just say that Dubya has poor impulse control and leave it at that.

God, how I love the fortunate sons! :burn: