APP - repug and hyprocrisy

Don Quixote

cancer survivor
as long as it furthers their goals, there is no hypocrisy that repugs will not perform.

e.g., they spent a year denying Obama's supreme court nominee and complained when the dems blocked frumps nominee for two days and then changed the rules so they could win
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And Americans still vote for them which means Americans too are complicit and rather stupid.

"Trump’s greatest achievements are in the field of ignorance. Up until this period I had always thought of ignorance as a void, as an absence of knowledge. But Trump’s ignorance is not just an absence; it is a rich, intricate and entirely separate universe of negative information, a sort of fertile intellectual antimatter with its own gravitational pull.
It’s not so much that he isn’t well informed; it’s that he is prodigiously learned in the sort of knowledge that doesn’t accord with the facts of our current dimension.

It is in its own way a privilege to be alive at the same time as a man who is the Albert Einstein of confirmation bias, a man whose most impressive wall is the one between himself and evidence, a man who doesn’t need to go off in search of enemies because he is already his own worst one."

"I, too, grew up in Trump country (rural West Texas), and I, too, have family members and lifelong friends who voted for President Trump. Some are racists or misogynists or one-issue voters, but many are simply unwilling to think critically. Do I hate them? Never. Do I expect them to own up to the harm they’ve done our country? Absolutely. They are the ones who taught me that we reap what we sow." Karen Collier, Austin, Tex.

"What makes Nicholas Kristof think that Trump supporters can be recruited by the Democratic Party? Can you recruit people who continue to support a president whose legislation if passed would threaten their very existence? Can you recruit people who still believe that President Barack Obama was not born in the United States? Can you recruit people who cannot be persuaded by rational argument and scientific evidence? Can you recruit people who take the most preposterous lies of the right-wing news media as gospel truth? I am afraid that many if not most Trump supporters will stick with the president until the pain he will inflict upon them can no longer be tolerated." David Arthur, Brooklyn