

Well-known member
Why is my reputation so poor when I only have a very few negative comments? What other factors affect reputation?
Why is my reputation so poor when I only have a very few negative comments? What other factors affect reputation?

I hate to be the one to tell you, but we have an entire forum where we talk about you behind your back. That probably ruined your reputation.
Why is my reputation so poor when I only have a very few negative comments? What other factors affect reputation?
You're a lawyer Jarod. Face it dude, no one likes lawyers. Just look at how unpopular Yurt is. His own mother won't talk to him.
I hate to be the one to tell you, but we have an entire forum where we talk about you behind your back. That probably ruined your reputation.

Wow, that makes me feel popular...

I dont really care that my reputation is shit, in fact with these conservatives, its a complament...

I just want to understand how it works....
Wow, that makes me feel popular...

I dont really care that my reputation is shit, in fact with these conservatives, its a complament...

I just want to understand how it works....
It's easy. It works like this. You make reasoned and objective observation and then draw a rational conclusion as to what is in the best interest of our nation. Conservatives then neg rep you.

It don't get any easier then that. :)
Wow, that makes me feel popular...

I dont really care that my reputation is shit, in fact with these conservatives, its a complament...

I just want to understand how it works....

It works like this... you are a fucking moron... you are too ignorant to comprehend the difference between neg rep points and negative comments.

Obviously someone with the ability to issue a lot of neg points is tired of your constant bullshit.
It works like this... you are a fucking moron... you are too ignorant to comprehend the difference between neg rep points and negative comments.

Obviously someone with the ability to issue a lot of neg points is tired of your constant bullshit.
Well.....then there's that.....
jarod more and more people are upvoting or downvoting comments. Sometimes people will do it just for humorous effect. For example, you've come into this thread asking why you are losing points, and 4 people negged you. That's FUNNY.

I would say 90% of the time it's probably not personal, and you just set yourself up to get owned. People just liking fucking around with rep points, it's all we've got.

Let me know if you want a bajillion points so you can have your vengence.
Jarod I've neg repped you before because you've presented a pitiful argument, I've slammed you on it, then you weasel around and make up shit to try and get out of it, anything to avoid admitting that you were wrong. When someone gets pwned in an argument and mans-up, most folks give them positive rep.
Jarod I've neg repped you before because you've presented a pitiful argument, I've slammed you on it, then you weasel around and make up shit to try and get out of it, anything to avoid admitting that you were wrong. When someone gets pwned in an argument and mans-up, most folks give them positive rep.
I rarely ever neg rep anyone. I neg repped Jarod on this post cause I thought it would be funny. Sorry Jarod. :)
I rarely ever neg rep anyone. I neg repped Jarod on this post cause I thought it would be funny. Sorry Jarod. :)
I neg for the reason stated, or the poster's an asshole, or a bomb-throwing troll like Kenneth. I fucked up yesterday though and gave Kenneth a pos rep by mistake. :palm:
[ame=""]YouTube- Joan Jett - Bad Reputation[/ame]

This thread was BEGGING for this.
Jarod I've neg repped you before because you've presented a pitiful argument, I've slammed you on it, then you weasel around and make up shit to try and get out of it, anything to avoid admitting that you were wrong. When someone gets pwned in an argument and mans-up, most folks give them positive rep.


Hell, your comment above comes right out of the SM/DY textbook for dodging debate. Whenever cornered, you "weasel around and make up shit to try and get out of it...".

The only reason you've got any rep at all is because you hide behind the skirts of your two groupies.

Whenever anyone gives you neg rep, they both come a running and the three of you pull your little rep circle jerkle til your all maxxed out again.
jarod more and more people are upvoting or downvoting comments. Sometimes people will do it just for humorous effect. For example, you've come into this thread asking why you are losing points, and 4 people negged you. That's FUNNY.

I would say 90% of the time it's probably not personal, and you just set yourself up to get owned. People just liking fucking around with rep points, it's all we've got.

Let me know if you want a bajillion points so you can have your vengence.

I dont take it personally, in fact I kinda consider it a badge of honor that Ive made a strong enough effect that it made someone upset, I was just wondering how it works?

How do you get points? How do you use those points?

I understand how you negative someone, but how does that result in a negative affect on ones reputation screen?

I think groans don't take away rep points

So I forgot to mention that.

People can neg rep or groan, groans don't have a negative value, but they do add on to your rep points, by about a 100 or so (basically worthless)