Resolved: Constitutional America is Dead

Cowards....Americans are cowards.

I am especially disappointed in the men.

So many of your forefathers would be disappointed in how you turned out.
If you think that an election will make any major difference then you are not paying attention.

The power has already been removed from the people.

Please Wake The FUCK UP!
July forth is a morning for what we lost because we are lazy and stupid.


No, more like a slight and temporary detour--and not for the first or last time. Biden and the Left are in ascendency but on the verge of collapse and defeat. Like a rocket, they've run out of fuel and now they have to return to earth. It's going to be a rough landing...
No, more like a slight and temporary detour--and not for the first or last time. Biden and the Left are in ascendency but on the verge of collapse and defeat. Like a rocket, they've run out of fuel and now they have to return to earth. It's going to be a rough landing...

The Revolution controls everything, not just Government, and the R's have been useless all the way up to this point, so what is going to change?

You are in fantasy.
Maajid Nawaz says that we are in a Death Star I dont know what that means......yet.....but it sounds ominous.

No, more like a slight and temporary detour--and not for the first or last time. Biden and the Left are in ascendency but on the verge of collapse and defeat. Like a rocket, they've run out of fuel and now they have to return to earth. It's going to be a rough landing...

Your fascist coup attempt failed. GOP is an enemy of the US.
July forth is a morning for what we lost because we are lazy and stupid.


Go forth since might just as well be one of Russia's Orthodox Church rootin' tootin' Putin contingent destroying Ukraine, Russia & more in their WW II Nazi business economics tradition just as the Catholic Church megalomaniacal crusade - jihad destruction of the USA "one nation under God with equal justice under law" in it's "serve the Pope or die" precedent for "serve the Putin or die" which has sunk to SCOTUS thieving US Constitution - old glory - old testament arsonists levels.
Cowards....Americans are cowards.

I am especially disappointed in the men.

So many of your forefathers would be disappointed in how you turned out.

STFU bitch. Da Fuq?! You some kind of Tokyo Rose or something?

What's the Vietnam equivalent? Hanoi Hannah?
You are extremely inarticulate. No one knows what you are referring to.

He's a self-confessed drunk and drug abuser. Little of what he says, esp. in the middle of the night, makes any sense. He's down to a single forum supporter now, another inarticulate drunk.

If the OP had some context -- like it was about the Cult of #TRE45ON for instance -- then it might make more sense. Instead it's more of a cry for help that will never come.