Rest easy it is all over, service sector expanded in April.


Villified User
Nation's service economy unexpectedly expanded in April

Monday May 5, 7:39 PM EDT

NEW YORK (AP) — Data showing an unexpected expansion in the service sector in April raised hopes that the U.S. economy will be spared a sharp downturn even though many observers feel it is already in a mild recession.

Some analysts saw the report, coupled with Friday's better-than-expected job-loss numbers, as a sign the economy could muddle along, neither growing or declining dramatically.

"I don't see anything that indicates that activity is strong, I don't see anything that indicates it's very weak. We're teetering on the zero line," said Dan Meckstroth, chief economist of the Manufacturers Alliance, a trade group.

No need to spend that stimulus check on your debt.

I can abandon my peril sensitive glasses now.
I am not spending mine on debt. (I don't have any!!!!)

But I would strongly recommend anyone who is in debt, especially those whose debt involves variable interest rates get rid of as much of their debt as they can as quickly as they can. Only when we can stop being dependent on a credit economy will we find ourselves in a stable and consistently growing economy that does not need constant stimulus and adjustments.

Imagine the "stimulus" our economy would receive if the money paid by all households on interest each month on personal loans, credit cards and home equity loans were released to be spent on durable goods and real services. It would make the tax rebate look like spitting in a rainstorm.