'Resting bitch face' is real, scientists say

Dutch Uncle

Sworn to support and defend the Constitution
The new season of "Archer" mentioned the term "resting bitch face". I'd heard it occasionally but happened to be online at the time so looked it up and found this:

'Resting bitch face' is real, scientists say
Good news, everyone! You can now wear your mildly discontented face with some validation.

The phenomenon known as "resting bitch face" is real, according to scientists. Better yet, there's research available that could explain why some people are "throwing shade."

In a study conducted in October 2015, scientists Abbe Macbeth and Jason Rogers from Noldus Information Technology, a company that develops software for observational and behavioral research, used the company's FaceReader software to analyze the faces of celebrities like Kanye West, Kristen Stewart, Anna Kendrick and Queen Elizabeth II, notable public figures who have been known to occasionally wear a less-than-pleased expression.

"We were looking to see if anything popped out," Macbeth said. "Our software is objective. It's not prone to human subjectivity like we are."
What they discovered was that celebrities who had bored or annoyed looks were showing underlying levels of emotions that are not seen in people who don't have RBF.....

...."We see that people who have this RBF expression [have] double the amount of emotionality expressed," she said. Those afflicted with RBF may show a jump of trace emotions as high as 6% and most of the emotion expressed is of contempt: the feeling that something is worthless or deserving scorn....

...So what does this mean if you think you have RBF? Is there some hidden amount of contempt boiling up inside you? Some unresolved issues that you need to talk about? Macbeth said there's not a clear-cut answer just yet.
Cultural differences and gender bias may play a role in people's perception of RBF. "Eastern European people are seen as very stoic and not showing a lot of emotion and ... a lot of the people touted as having RBF are women," Macbeth said....
A funny video commenting on the subject of "Bitchy Resting Face"...and men with "asshole face". :)
