RESTRICTED THREAD ... just for Shareholders.


Verified User
As the Shareholding Class, which is best for US?

1. We make our money off the backs of the Worker Drones.
2. If the Worker Drones stop production and stop consumption, we lose money.
3. It might be better to send the Worker Drones back into the fields to maintain production and consumption.
4. Sure, we lose some of the Worker Drones, but they can be replaced with Imported Worker Drones.
5. Besides, Automation and Robotics will be replacing these people anyway.
6. This could be a Win/Win.
7. We speed up the 'automation' cycle, and we kill off the excess Worker Drones at the same time.

We, the Shareholding Class, are already in our Bunkers and are well insulated from 'the little people', ... so, is it in our best interests to get the Worker Drones*back into circulation and do what they are meant to do: Maintain Production and Consumption.

Our Monthly Statements have been hammered. Dividends dwindling. Appreciation evaporated.

What think you?
Another one of our Brothers (Kimbo Kush) has posted this:

"Trump's response to the novel coronavirus pandemic may be behind his higher overall approval rating. Americans give the president generally positive reviews for his handling of the situation, with 60% approving and 38% disapproving. Ninety-four percent of Republicans, 60% of independents and 27% of Democrats approve of his response."

Why pay Worker Drones 'unemployment' when they could be out there being 'productive'?
Another quote from TinyDog:

"We can't keep our economy shut down fro much longer. Many Americans are willing to take the risk and brave the consequences of reopening. I hope the tide of public opinion changes soon or we won't have a tax base left to fund the gov't."

... or to fund the Shareholding Class.
TDAK chimes in:

"The china flu is being over-hyped by the fake news press. It exists but it's not a big thing. It's microscopic compared to the swine flu epidemic of 2009 when The Illiterate Kenyan was prez."

This could be an easy sell to the Proletariat.
As the Shareholding Class, which is best for US?

1. We make our money off the backs of the Worker Drones.
2. If the Worker Drones stop production and stop consumption, we lose money.
3. It might be better to send the Worker Drones back into the fields to maintain production and consumption.
4. Sure, we lose some of the Worker Drones, but they can be replaced with Imported Worker Drones.
5. Besides, Automation and Robotics will be replacing these people anyway.
6. This could be a Win/Win.
7. We speed up the 'automation' cycle, and we kill off the excess Worker Drones at the same time.

We, the Shareholding Class, are already in our Bunkers and are well insulated from 'the little people', ... so, is it in our best interests to get the Worker Drones*back into circulation and do what they are meant to do: Maintain Production and Consumption.

Our Monthly Statements have been hammered. Dividends dwindling. Appreciation evaporated.

What think you?

They won't understand.

They truly won't understand.

But thanks for trying to jackhammer through.
Not everyone is on board.
From Eagle Eye:

"This is serious stuff and you doubters need to listen-up!"
They won't understand.

They truly won't understand.

But thanks for trying to jackhammer through.

I think Trump is doing a GREAT job. He's explaining how bad it is when the Revenue Stream starts drying up for the Shareholding Class. Look at the Stock Market! How are any of us going to make money in this kind of environment?
Some are going to have to make sacrifices.
I think Trump is doing a GREAT job. He's explaining how bad it is when the Revenue Stream starts drying up for the Shareholding Class. Look at the Stock Market! How are any of us going to make money in this kind of environment?
Some are going to have to make sacrifices.

Trump's new idea of "sacrifices" ,is end social distancing,go back to business as usual,and up the body count!
You up to that?
Trump's new idea of "sacrifices" ,is end social distancing,go back to business as usual,and up the body count!
You up to that?

Yes, M.V.
Some must make the Sacrifice for the Greater Good ... of the Shareholders.
The end of the first Quarter is rapidly coming upon us. How dreadful will that look?

(I can't believe you can't see that)
Yes, M.V.
Some must make the Sacrifice for the Greater Good ... of the Shareholders.
The end of the first Quarter is rapidly coming upon us. How dreadful will that look?

(I can't believe you can't see that)

This sounds like Milo Minderbinder,right out of
Catch 22!