APP - Results are in Tax Cuts = Surplus

Teflon Don

I'm back baby
So the Trump tax cuts passed and revenues to the treasury increased 18% from last January leading to a SURPLUS

Remember when our friends on the left said that these tax cuts would cause massive deficits? Looks like the CBO was wrong.

I will add this caveat as I know our liberal friends will lie in wait. This post is not to say that deficits will not increase in the future. January is a useful marker because for the most part no other events have occurred that would impact the deficit.

But, make no mistake, Congress can spend their way out of these surpluses. The budget deficit isn't singularly dependent on revenues
Congress needs to reign in the spending instead of increasing like they just did. We need to use the surplus to pay down the debt. The debt/income ratio is way too high, and what we are spending on interest alone is just plain stupid.
The deficit is expected to balloon to a trillion dollars this year. The GOP screams from the rooftops during down times when we actually need to run a deficit, then when they get power during a boom they have been handed by the previous Democratic administration they spend like madmen and blow it all. It makes zero sense. The Democrats are just constantly cleaning up after one GOP mess after another.