retarded democrats dont know how to vote


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retarded democrats dont know how to vote

That's why their party bosses vote for them, isn't it?

There are hundreds of videos on YouTube to "help" retarded DEMOCRATS vote.

Stephen Colbert (the late night comic that retarded DEMOCRATS think is a political mastermind) even made 50 videos for retarded DEMOCRATS in all 50 states:

It's called "Better Know A Ballot".
Even that retarded shit doesn't clarify for your bogus title. Are you really just here to shitpost like you told Jack?
Explain yourself

ive already posted a nyt article a couple weeks ago that said dems internal,y were worried about their voters being retarded. 70% of mail in voters are dems. So what are you trying to say? Do you ever make a salient point?
Obama films 18 separate state-specific 'How To Vote' videos


Obama released multiple state-specific tutorials on how to vote on Tuesday, 21 days before the Nov. 3 election.

Looking straight into the camera, Obama said, “So much is at stake in this election, from getting the pandemic under control to building a fairer economy to taking on climate change to protecting our health care. You can change our direction on every issue. That’s the power of your vote.”

The state-specific videos included instructions for voters in Arizona, Colorado, Florida, Georgia, Iowa, Maine, Michigan, Minnesota, Nebraska, Nevada, New Hampshire, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Texas, Virginia and Wisconsin. According to a press release sent out by the DEMOCRAT National Committee, more instructional videos for other states are set to be released.