Revenge as a legal right of Russia

Alik Bahshi

Verified User
Alik Bakhshi

Revenge as a legal right of Russia

As is known, Russia as a result of the collapse of the USSR, which, according to Putin, is tantamount to "the largest geopolitical catastrophe of the century" (
), lost many territories. The Russian people, who for centuries created the state in their primordial territory and defended it from numerous enemies, turned out to be morally disadvantaged. Putin’s remark is quite true that a large number of Russians after this catastrophe now live abroad, and moreover, in artificially created states they are subject to unprecedented discrimination, reaching the point that they have to learn a language that originated from, so-called indigenous peoples. Putin’s legitimate desire to restore historical justice (1.2) provoked the anger and indignation of the Western elite who had long dreamed of taking possession of the riches of the Russian people and that today, thanks to Putin, Russia began to rise from its knees Russia's enemies are deliberately called revanchism to cause negative emotions among the common people . According to them, the “revanchist” Putin is breaking the established world order, while at the same time ignoring the fact that the artificially created disintegration of Russia is a violation of that world order. Any legal right of Russia, such as returning lost territories or laying gas pipelines in international waters, is hostile to them, while they themselves are illegally trying to lay the Trans-Caspian gas pipeline (3) under the Caspian Sea, which has historically been Russia's inland sea.

I think Russia should immediately apply to the International Court of The Hague in order to punish Ukraine for the illegal occupation of the originally Russian land, namely Kievan Rus, from which the Russian state began, and also make claims to Iran, which should be responsible for the Scythians (Iranian-speaking people) for a long historical period illegally lived in the territory, which became Rus in a few centuries. True, after the Tatars destroyed Kiev, and Kievan Rus as a state ceased to exist, Rurik from the Scandinavian Rus tribe re-founded their Russian state, Muscovy, but this is another story.

1. Russia's national interests.
2. Back to the empire, or the restoration of historical justice for Putin.
3. Trans-Caspian gas pipeline or the Third World War.

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"Kievan Rus, from which the Russian state began".
Losing Ukraine must be a hard nut to swallow.
I think Russia should immediately apply to the International Court of The Hague in order to punish Ukraine for the illegal occupation of the originally Russian land, namely Kievan Rus, from which the Russian state began

Kievan Rus was at best a loose confederation of city-states, and it was founded and ruled by Varangians, not by native indigenous East Slavic peoples.

During the time of Kievan Rus in the Medieval era, there was literally no such thing as Russian, Ukrainian, or Belarusian people. Those are linguistic groups that were pre-dated by Kievan Rus and did not exist back then-- and were not to exist for hundreds of years after Kievan Rus.

Finally, most Russians I am aware of would be loathe to ascribe the glorious beginnings of the Russian nation to the city of Kiev. Arguably, Kievan Rus is considered by some scholars to be the first proto-Russian state, but sentimentally most Russians probably consider the Grand Duchy of Moscow to be the first Russian state, particularly given the Duchy's role in playing a pivotal role in ending the domination by the Golden Horde.