Reversing Deafness


Staff member
“Scientists can now create new hearing cells that can overcome deafness caused by aging.
Considered a “major hurdle” to reversing hearing loss, the gene discovery allows the production of inner or outer ear hair cells.Researchers Overcome ‘Major Hurdle’ in Reversing Deafness, Discovering Gene Responsible for Crucial Cells”

This is some very exciting news!
Can you imagine being able to hear songbirds, Mozart, the crash of the ocean surf after a lifetime of deafness?

Pure magic!
that would be great. I have congenital hearing loss and while the hearing aids help a great deal they aint the same as actually hearing the right way.
“Scientists can now create new hearing cells that can overcome deafness caused by aging.
Considered a “major hurdle” to reversing hearing loss, the gene discovery allows the production of inner or outer ear hair cells.Researchers Overcome ‘Major Hurdle’ in Reversing Deafness, Discovering Gene Responsible for Crucial Cells”

This is some very exciting news!

I can't move past the "hair cells" part, keep thinking of how sometimes you see an elderly guy with hair growing out of his ears. :laugh:

Sorry, I'll slink away in shame now.
Can you imagine being able to hear songbirds, Mozart, the crash of the ocean surf after a lifetime of deafness?

Pure magic!

The first time I went to Alaska it was to meet up with a cyber friend who was a world class photographer. He loved night photography in particular. He took spectacular pictures of the Northern Lights and set them to classical music in a 45-minute program that he narrated. It was shown at the various Princess Lodges in Alaska. He loved music, especially classical and Celtic. Yet he was deaf. His hearing aids helped, but he missed nuances and things like bird song, children's voices (unless they yelled), the song of the wind in the trees, the whisper of snow. He got along well though; he was the officiant even at our wedding. It's sad that this development came too late for him. He passed away in 2015.
I can't move past the "hair cells" part, keep thinking of how sometimes you see an elderly guy with hair growing out of his ears. :laugh:

Sorry, I'll slink away in shame now.

With some old farts, you can't tell where the nose hairs stop and the moustache begins!

Men or women! OOPS! LOL!
The first time I went to Alaska it was to meet up with a cyber friend who was a world class photographer. He loved night photography in particular. He took spectacular pictures of the Northern Lights and set them to classical music in a 45-minute program that he narrated. It was shown at the various Princess Lodges in Alaska. He loved music, especially classical and Celtic. Yet he was deaf. His hearing aids helped, but he missed nuances and things like bird song, children's voices (unless they yelled), the song of the wind in the trees, the whisper of snow. He got along well though; he was the officiant even at our wedding. It's sad that this development came too late for him. He passed away in 2015.

There is a lot of magic in this world we would miss if our sensory faculties were impaired.

I would really miss the sounds of the ocean.

Your garden variety MAGA fat ass would probably most miss the sound of gunfire at the shooting range.
The first time I went to Alaska it was to meet up with a cyber friend who was a world class photographer. He loved night photography in particular. He took spectacular pictures of the Northern Lights and set them to classical music in a 45-minute program that he narrated. It was shown at the various Princess Lodges in Alaska. He loved music, especially classical and Celtic. Yet he was deaf. His hearing aids helped, but he missed nuances and things like bird song, children's voices (unless they yelled), the song of the wind in the trees, the whisper of snow. He got along well though; he was the officiant even at our wedding. It's sad that this development came too late for him. He passed away in 2015.

He’s swimming in the northern lights now
There is a lot of magic in this world we would miss if our sensory faculties were impaired.

I would really miss the sounds of the ocean.

Your garden variety MAGA fat ass would probably most miss the sound of gunfire at the shooting range.

And that's one of the causes of non-age-related hearing loss -- shooting firearms w/o adequate protection.
that would be great. I have congenital hearing loss and while the hearing aids help a great deal they aint the same as actually hearing the right way.
My husband has had hearing loss since Vietnam, it’s gotten worse with age. It would be nice for you to have normal hearing!
My husband has had hearing loss since Vietnam, it’s gotten worse with age. It would be nice for you to have normal hearing!
Oldest brother had his loss blamed on Vietnam while other brother had his eardrums punctured by freak water skiing accidents, twice !

Turns out they were doomed same as me (not Led Zeppelin's fault after all).

Thanks grandma !

Dad was hard of hearing as well.

It would be nice to hear naturally. Music is weird because some tones i simply dont hear so there are these missing notes in familiar songs. THey were able to use some features on the hearing aids to trick my ears/brain into haring them but still those songs dont sound like I remembered them.

Kinda sucks as I really like music an do play some.

But I'm fortunate, my grand daughter is such a blessing. Makes getting old suck less.