Reviving A Career


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Breaching a confidentiality agreement is a strange way to revive a moribund career:

Former Fox News contributor Bob Beckel broke a confidentiality agreement over the weekend and claimed that his ouster was the result of “set-up.”

Bob Beckel breaks Fox agreement, claims Trump-linked 'set up' prompted ouster
By Douglas Ernst
Monday, July 22, 2019

Beckel is a classic liberal motor mouth. Guys like him defined the word “smug” when the Left’s media monopoly was enforced. In those glory days liberals enjoyed the exclusive Right of speaking to millions under the protection of the Fairness Doctrine. It is conservative positions heard by millions on today’s TV that really bothers Democrats. Lacking the Fairness Doctrine, Beckel’s tried to shut up opponents by falsely accusing them of being loudmouths like him.

Let me point out that I did not know who Beckel was until I saw him on Hannity’s show a few years ago. That was after my wife signed up for Cable TV. By the time I tuned into the Hannity show he had dumped Alan Colmes —— another one of the FOX liberals that sent me screaming for the remote control.

NOTE: Bob Beckel has since been dumped by FOX. Before he was dumped he was on the same panel show with Juan Williams. Together, they were like the Frankenstein monster and Count Dracula ravaging the land in broad daylight.

I am not sure if The Five is a ratings success today. I am sure that funding Bob Beckel’s addiction to drugs was not a good idea.

Fox News fires pill-addicted Bob Beckel and issues scathing statement criticizing him for taking 'tremendous advantage of our generosity'
By Chris Spargo For
Published: 18:11 EST, 25 June 2015 | Updated: 11:52 EST, 26 June 2015

Way back in 2012 I said that no show with Bob Beckel as a regular can be a success among conservatives who constituted more than half of FOX’s audience at the time. Put it this way. If Beckel was on a liberal network show no conservative would tune in. Today’s FOX has gone hard left since the Murdoch Boys took over. Obviously, FOX management is aiming for a bullpen full of liberal southpaws.

Of all of the liberals FOX made rich it was Bob Beckel who reminded me of Oscar Wilde’s great line about fox hunting:

“The unspeakable in pursuit of the inedible.”

Wilde could have been speaking about every FOX liberal —— specifically Bob Beckel when he still had job.

I first saw Beckel on Hannity’s panel segments. A few seconds of his liberal know-it-all arrogance was all I could stomach. I was outta there the minute Beckel appeared on my TV thereafter. I hardly watch TV these days; so channel surfing into Beckel holding fort in the unemployment office these days is unlikely.

It is not that Beckel was offended whenever conservatives expressed their opinions on television that prompted me to waste time on him today. It is not that he used the F-word on a Hannity show. It is a reminder that loudmouth liberals resent conservatives speaking on television at all.

Incidentally, I found out about Beckel’s F-word debating technique on the Drudge Report:

Democrat strategist Bob Beckel dropped the F-bomb live on the “Hannity” program on Fox News Monday night.

“You say that Head Start is a failure, you don’t know what the f— you’re talking about,” Beckel barked as the show returned from a commercial break.

Beckel had apparently been arguing off-air with guests including tea-party activist Jennifer Stefano of Americans for Prosperity and radio host Neal Boortz on the show’s Great American Panel segment when the program suddenly came back to catch the obscenity live on the air.

“Whoa! Bleep!” exclaimed host Sean Hannity when the F-word was launched. “What are you doing?”

“Failure,” said Stefano.

“I just can’t stand right-wingers. They’ve just got their mouths running all the time,” Beckel explained.

When Hannity requested that Beckel apologize, Beckel responded, “I don’t apologize.”

“Yes you do. You just cursed on the air,” said Hannity.

“I’m not gonna apologize,” an adamant Beckel affirmed.

“All right, I apologize for you,” said Hannity, who finally was able to make Beckel understand the obscene comment had been broadcast live.

“I try to put signs up and help you,” Hannity told Beckel.

Beckel finally said, “I’m sorry about using that foul word, yes. But the intent about it is still there.”

“And you should run your show a little better,” he continued, “instead of having me get caught like that.”

“Now you’re blaming me for this,” said Hannity.

“Typical liberal,” added Stefano. “No personal responsibility.”

“You’re like Obama – you’re blaming me,” Hannity clowned.

Beckel has since apologized on Twitter, explaining, “I apologize to anyone who heard me on Hannity. I honestly thought we were off air. I just may not be cut out for the tv business. Peace.”

R.D. Volkman, publisher of the Nebraska Journal-Leader, is urging Fox News to fire Beckel from his co-hosting duties on its other show titled “The Five.”

“Get rid of that Beckel SOB,” Volkman said. “His modus is to always change the subject at hand with some ad-hominem attack. You now have the excuse to fire him for his utter rudeness. Do so now.”

But another WND reader named Dave had a different view, saying: “I say ‘AWESOME.’ Keep Beckel on! He is the best campaign influence the Republicans ever have had! He is a horrible apologist for the liberal Democrats. KEEP HIM ON! He is a perfect illustration of the emotion-driven simplistic defenses that Democrats make for their failures. He makes the case: ‘Anybody but Obama!'”

Democrat has F-bomb meltdown on Fox News
'You don't know what the f--- you're talking about!'
Published: 04/17/2012 at 1:38 AM

If loudmouth ever said this to me:

“You say that Head Start is a failure, you don’t know what the f— you’re talking about,” . . .

I would have replied “Shove it up your fat ass, you goddamn pill freak.”

In truth, a few liberals did leave FOX in the last few years. Unfortunately, every lib that went elsewhere was replaced by two. FOX morphing into a full-fledged liberal network is a surely a conspiracy on par with the way the democracy movement conspiracy is reported on every network —— i.e. the U.S. is a democracy. Longtime FOX ‘journalists’ dropping the pretense of being unbiased is evidence of a long running conspiracy finally exposed.

If all of those FOX liberals rushed to the port side of a ship the vessel would tilt it so far to the left it would roll over. FOX has gone so far left since Murdoch turned it over to his sons the other liberal networks look like they are on an even keel.

Fox News Hires Dr. Ezekiel Emanuel, Obamacare Architect, as a Contributor
BY: Washington Free Beacon Staff
February 21, 2017 1:05 pm

I cannot keep track of the names of liberals that found a home on FOX, but a few years ago Jeffery Lord warned conservatives about FOX’s true nature:

Fox News is awash in liberal commentators who sit on the allegedly “conservative” network and regularly dispense the left-wing point of view. Rush and Sean regularly cite the latest from liberal A, B, or C, informing their listeners of liberal views that are easily findable on the web. I myself have been on both Sean Hannity’s television and radio shows discussing issues of the day with liberals Bob Beckel, Kirsten Powers, Juan Williams, and Chris Hahn (the last an ex-aide to New York’s Senator Chuck Schumer.) Not a one of them is conservative, as is perfectly plain if one is listening.

In the case of Fox itself? In addition to those named above the network has over the years — past and present — hosted liberals Tamara Holder, ( a progressive lawyer with ties to Jesse Jackson), Clintonite James Carville, Julie Roginsky (an ex-aide to the late New Jersey Senator Frank Lautenberg), Marc Lamont Hill, Santita Jackson (daughter of Jesse Jackson), Sally Kohn (like Mark Lamont Hill now at CNN), Jehmu Greene (an ex- Hillary Clinton, DNC aide), Bernard Whitman (an ex-Bill Clinton aide), Mark Hannah and Mary Ann Marsh (ex-John Kerry aides), and others. On and on goes the parade of seriously bona fide liberals at Fox.

Bruce Bartlett Brainwashed?
A curious subject curiously untouched on CNN.
By Jeffrey Lord – 5.28.15

Aside from FOX giving every liberal freakazoid as much face time they need to spew Democrat Party talking points, FOX puts the worst of them like Donna Brazile on the payroll. Only God and the Murdoch Boys knew why they pay Leslie Masrshall. Whatever the reason is I gotta figure that conservatives ordered to appear on a panel with Marshall are seriously considering looking for another line of work.

And have you noticed that FOX reports every vulgar thing Democrats say about conservative Americans” At the same time liberals are untouchable nasty personal attacks directed at a liberal are not allowed on FOX panels. If FOX wants to legitimate its pseudo Fairness Doctrine the Murdoch Boys should approve of the filthiest attacks imaginable aimed at liberal douche bags like Leslie Marshell and Donna Brazile. That would be fair.

Fox News Lurches Left as Murdoch’s Sons Take Control of Media Dynasty
By Jerry A. Kane
August 10, 2015

The Murdochs gambled that their brand of liberalism will continue to beat the other networks in the ratings.

The second gamble is that conservatives will continue to tune in now that FOX is openly liberal simply because conservatives have nowhere else to go.

The Murdochs lost the bet. Nothing can chase away an audience faster than the stench of liberalism’s garbage.

Conservatives stopped watching because of FNC’s flagrant liberalism even though Donald Trump gets a fair shake on a few shows. Bottom line: Conservatives did not watch liberal networks before Trump; so it is obvious that conservatives will not watch liberal FOX.

In recent weeks, the Fox News Channel (FNC), considered the most friendly to President Trump, has lost the commanding ratings lead that it held for the past decade and a half.

June 12, 2017
The Murdoch Boys and the Future of Fox News
By Peter Barry Chowka

Question: How come recently departed Roger Ailes (1940 - 2017) is still being hailed as a programming genius even though he hired Juan Williams?

Now that the Murdoch Boys are forcing Williams on FOX audiences he has to be more insufferable than he was before he was anointed FOX’s brightest rising star.

Channel surfing stunned me when I saw Juan Williams pop up more than usual. I cannot hit the remote control fast enough whenever I see him. His demeanor told me that those few legitimate journalists on panels have to treat him with the same respect liberals get on the alphabet networks. Juan Williams will get worse now that his new bosses have his back.

Incidentally, I sense that Brit Hume sitting on a panel is the one guy who will never rollover for FOX liberals whenever they lay down crapola.


I cannot speak for the few conservatives on FOX, but I would get sick to my stomach if I ever sat down on a panel with Juan Williams. I would have a puke bucket handy to use during the commercial breaks.

Finally, there are so many liberals on FOX preaching their message to conservatives the alphabet networks are turning green with envy. Call it the New Green Deal.

A word of caution to Judi. Should you ever get the call to appear on a FOX panel be careful the Murdoch Boys are not setting you up for two or three liberal panel members taking turns raping you.

Ut oh! My gal gal Judi went too far:

New York’s commie-loving mayor Bill de Blasio has found an unlikely soapbox for his 2020 presidential run: Fox News.

If you happened to nod off and woke up to see de Blasio on Sean Hannity’s show last night, , you may have imagined you were having a nightmare.

But that really was de Blasio pontificating at length about his radical plans for America and it really was Sean Hannity—not just providing him leeway but even joking with him.

Hard to believe but true, Fox News gave Hiz Honor de Blasio better coverage than CNN or MSNBC.

Gotta’ like the Daily Beast headline even though the Beast is hard left: ‘Hannity, After Nutty de Blasio Interview, Tells Dems: Look, It’s Not So Bad!’ (The Daily Beast, Aug. 8, 2019)

“Don’t worry, Hannity says he once applied to the NYPD and “even passed the psychological.”

“At the tail end of what can only be described as a surreal hour-long interview with New York City Mayor and Democratic presidential candidate Bill de Blasio on Wednesday night, Fox News host Sean Hannity implored the rest of the 2020 field to come on his show, promising them: “It’s not so bad!”

“Bad, maybe not. Strange, definitely!”

The Beast went on to describe the mayor’s ‘woohooing’ at being given such a golden opportunity to get his election message out:

“The New York mayor, who is both deeply unpopular in his city and flailing in Democratic polls, seemed absolutely thrilled to be on the Fox News primetime program. Beaming throughout, de Blasio couldn’t appear any happier than when he was arguing with the pro-Trump host over any number of hot-button issues, such as climate change or taxes.

“Early on in the marathon clash, de Blasio set the stage for how the rest of the interview was going to go down. With Hannity trying to corner the mayor on the issue of health care for undocumented immigrants, de Blasio simply accused the conservative talker of playing a “charade.” This wound up being a tactic de Blasio used more than once.

“With Hannity still hammering away at immigration, de Blasio again yelled that it was a “charade,” this time telling Hannity that this is what Fox News does.

“Oh, my network!” Hannity exclaimed. “By the way, there are people on my network who don’t like a single thing I say! What are you talking about!?”

Oh, give us a break, Sean. It’s Fox viewers and not network people you should aim to please!

This also gave the mayor an opening to tell Hannity’s viewers what Fox does:

“I agree you’re not a monolith,” the mayor replied. “But too much of the time what Fox and News Corp do is try and take people’s minds off the fact they are being screwed economically by the one percent.” (Daily Beast)

“And so it went. Back and forth the two would go, at times seemingly having the time of their lives. Hannity, who has rarely interviewed anyone outside the Trumpworld bubble over the past few years, constantly bounced between combativeness and chumminess. The mayor, meanwhile, just appeared elated that he was getting this much TV time to himself.”

Small wonder!

Back to the Beast:

“At one point, during a conversation about New York police recently getting doused by water—which Hannity ominously described as “unidentified liquid”—the Fox News star took a few moments to recount the time that he said he nearly became a police officer.

“Telling de Blasio that the NYPD are his heroes and “extended family,” Hannity claimed that he applied to be a New York City police officer.

“I got a 99 on the test—I even passed the psychological,” he added. “And the physical!”

“Standards were lower back then,” de Blasio quipped, prompting Hannity to applaud the mayor for his very good “jackass comment.”

“After a further discussion about school diets that somehow segued into Hannity bragging about his 90-minute-a-day mixed martial arts workouts, the Fox News veteran wrapped up the night with his plea to Democrats.

“By the way, I have a message for all you 2020 candidates,” he said. “It wasn’t that bad. Come on the program, we will give you a fair shake and you can reach more people than any other show on cable.”

Could this all but giving his prime time show over to the likes of Bill de Blasio have anything to do with forecasts predicting cord cutting of cable television by the masses—alarming now, but bound to accelerate over the next four years?

A new forecast predicts cord cutting will accelerate over the next four years. (Forbes, Aug. 6, 2019)

“It started as a trickle. Now it’s threatening to become a flood.

“The phenomenon of cord cutting, or eliminating pay TV subscriptions by cable or satellite companies, is about to get even bigger, according to a report released today by eMarketer, a research firm.

“Households that have cut the cord will soar by 19.2 percent this year, the report projects. By year’s end, 40.2 million households will have eliminated their pay TV subscriptions, compared to 86.5 million who still have them.”

“The difference between those numbers will shrink, too, over the next few years.

“By 2023, the number of households without pay TV will hit 56.1 million, while those with will fall to 72.7 million. In fact, by 2021, more than a fifth of U.S. households will have cut the cord.”

“Interestingly, the telco companies don’t appear to be doing much to keep those customers. The report states that cord cutting growth “could partially be inflicted by TV providers themselves, as many are now prioritizing profit over revenues.”

Is Fox News trying to get ahead of the cord-cutting curve in a desperate move to boost its ratings?

Meanwhile about the end message Hannity delivered to 2020 Democrat candidates last night:

“By the way, I have a message for all you 2020 candidates.” “It wasn’t that bad. Come on the program, we will give you a fair shake and you can reach more people than any other show on cable.”

Although she’s not a 2020 candidate, but a publicity hound trying to influence the outcome of who gets the DNC nomination, will Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez be Sean Hannity’s next guest?

NY Mayor Bill De Blasio’s Latest Soap Box: Fox News
By Judi McLeod
August 8, 2019

Finally, I do not know why Hannity did the interview when Juan Williams is available:

Now that the Murdoch Boys are forcing Williams on FOX audiences he has to be more insufferable than he was before he was anointed FOX’s brightest rising star.

President Trump is finally getting the message:

President Trump on Sunday unloaded a scathing attack against the Fox News Channel, saying “something is going on” at the network and he’s “not happy with it.”

“Fox is a lot different than it used to be. I can tell you that,” Trump told reporters, as he singled out two prominent personalities on Fox News.

“Juan Williams, then they have the wonderful woman that gave Hillary Clinton the questions. That was a terrible thing. And all of a sudden, she’s working for Fox. What’s she doing working for Fox?”

The “wonderful woman” to whom the president was referring is Donna Brazile, the former DNC chair and CNN commentator who now appears on Fox.

“Fox has changed, and my worst polls have always been from Fox,” Trump said.

“There’s something going on at Fox. I’ll tell you right now. And I’m not happy with it.”

The president added: “I think they’re making a big mistake because Fox was treated very badly by the Democrats. Very, very badly. Having to do with the debates and other things. And I think Fox is making a big mistake because, you know, I’m the one that calls the shots on that — on the really big debates. I guess we’re probably planning on three of them. And I — well, I’m very — I’m not happy with Fox.”

Trump did speak favorably of several big names at Fox, including Tucker Carlson, Sean Hannity, Laura Ingraham, Lou Dobbs, Jesse Watters, Jeanine Pirro and Greg Gutfeld.

Of Gutfeld, Trump noted: “He wasn’t good to me two years ago. Now he sees all I’ve done. He says ‘would you rather have a great president or a nice guy?’ I think I’m a nice guy, but nobody’s done in two and a half years what I’ve done.”

Trump launches into Fox News: ‘I’m not happy with it’
Joe Kovacs By Joe Kovacs
Published August 18, 2019 at 7:48pm

Trump can do three things to help himself:

1. Dump television altogether and rely on social media. His tweets do more for the American people than television ever did.

2. Eliminate television’s advertising tax deduction.

3. Wolf down courage pills like popcorn and follow thru:

Before then-President-elect Donald Trump’s moved into the White House his team said they could kick the press corps out of the building. Frankly, I was partial to the Old Executive Office Building when the story broke.

The plan reportedly under consideration involves kicking the media out of the White House press room, where reporters have worked for decades, into either the White House Conference Center or to the Old Executive Office Building, which is next door to 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.

Sean Spicer, Trump's press secretary acknowledged that "there has been some discussion about how to do it” but insisted "there has been no decision.” He said the discussions were a question of inclusion rather than exclusion. "A question is: Is a room that has forty-nine seats adequate? When we had that press conference the other day, we had thousands of requests, and we capped it at four hundred,” Spicer said. “Is there an opportunity to potentially allow more members of the media to be part of this? That's something we're discussing.”

Jan. 15 2017 10:40 AM
Trump Team Considers Kicking Press Corps Out of White House
By Daniel Politi

President Trump is finally getting the message:

President Trump on Sunday unloaded a scathing attack against the Fox News Channel, saying “something is going on” at the network and he’s “not happy with it.”

“Fox is a lot different than it used to be. I can tell you that,” Trump told reporters, as he singled out two prominent personalities on Fox News.

“Juan Williams, then they have the wonderful woman that gave Hillary Clinton the questions. That was a terrible thing. And all of a sudden, she’s working for Fox. What’s she doing working for Fox?”

The “wonderful woman” to whom the president was referring is Donna Brazile, the former DNC chair and CNN commentator who now appears on Fox.

“Fox has changed, and my worst polls have always been from Fox,” Trump said.

“There’s something going on at Fox. I’ll tell you right now. And I’m not happy with it.”

The president added: “I think they’re making a big mistake because Fox was treated very badly by the Democrats. Very, very badly. Having to do with the debates and other things. And I think Fox is making a big mistake because, you know, I’m the one that calls the shots on that — on the really big debates. I guess we’re probably planning on three of them. And I — well, I’m very — I’m not happy with Fox.”

Trump did speak favorably of several big names at Fox, including Tucker Carlson, Sean Hannity, Laura Ingraham, Lou Dobbs, Jesse Watters, Jeanine Pirro and Greg Gutfeld.

Of Gutfeld, Trump noted: “He wasn’t good to me two years ago. Now he sees all I’ve done. He says ‘would you rather have a great president or a nice guy?’ I think I’m a nice guy, but nobody’s done in two and a half years what I’ve done.”

Trump launches into Fox News: ‘I’m not happy with it’
Joe Kovacs By Joe Kovacs
Published August 18, 2019 at 7:48pm

Trump can do three things to help himself:

1. Dump television altogether and rely on social media. His tweets do more for the American people than television ever did.

2. Eliminate television’s advertising tax deduction.

3. Wolf down courage pills like popcorn and follow thru:

Before then-President-elect Donald Trump’s moved into the White House his team said they could kick the press corps out of the building. Frankly, I was partial to the Old Executive Office Building when the story broke.

The plan reportedly under consideration involves kicking the media out of the White House press room, where reporters have worked for decades, into either the White House Conference Center or to the Old Executive Office Building, which is next door to 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.

Sean Spicer, Trump's press secretary acknowledged that "there has been some discussion about how to do it” but insisted "there has been no decision.” He said the discussions were a question of inclusion rather than exclusion. "A question is: Is a room that has forty-nine seats adequate? When we had that press conference the other day, we had thousands of requests, and we capped it at four hundred,” Spicer said. “Is there an opportunity to potentially allow more members of the media to be part of this? That's something we're discussing.”

Jan. 15 2017 10:40 AM
Trump Team Considers Kicking Press Corps Out of White House
By Daniel Politi

Donna Brazile never DID answer the question of WHY she was at the hospital where Seth Rich was brought in at 4:30 in the morning. An ER doctor present when Seth was brought in stated that Seth's injuries were NON-LIFETHREATENING. After Seth was treated, STRANGE things happened, according to the ER doc. I believe Brazile was there to MAKE SURE Seth did NOT survive.

By 2020 Will Fox News Be The Biggest Anti-Trump Network?
By Judi McLeod
October 7, 2019

It already is!

Aside from FOX giving every liberal freakazoid as much face time they need to spew Democrat Party talking points, FOX puts the worst of them like Donna Brazile on the payroll. Only God and the Murdoch Boys knew why they pay Leslie Masrshall. Whatever the reason is I gotta figure that conservatives ordered to appear on a panel with Marshall are seriously considering looking for another line of work.

And have you noticed that FOX reports every vulgar thing Democrats say about conservative Americans” At the same time liberals are untouchable nasty personal attacks directed at a liberal are not allowed on FOX panels. If FOX wants to legitimate its pseudo Fairness Doctrine the Murdoch Boys should approve of the filthiest attacks imaginable aimed at liberal douche bags like Leslie Marshell and Donna Brazile. That would be fair.

Fox News Lurches Left as Murdoch’s Sons Take Control of Media Dynasty
By Jerry A. Kane
August 10, 2015
Aside from FOX giving every liberal freakazoid as much face time they need to spew Democrat Party talking points, FOX puts the worst of them like Donna Brazile on the payroll. Only God and the Murdoch Boys knew why they pay Leslie Marshall. Whatever the reason is I gotta figure that conservatives ordered to appear on a panel with Marshall are seriously considering looking for another line of work.

And have you noticed that FOX reports every vulgar thing Democrats say about conservative Americans” At the same time liberals are untouchable nasty personal attacks directed at a liberal are not allowed on FOX panels. If FOX wants to legitimate its pseudo Fairness Doctrine the Murdoch Boys should approve of the filthiest attacks imaginable aimed at liberal douche bags like Leslie Marshall and Donna Brazile. That would be fair.

Fox News Lurches Left as Murdoch’s Sons Take Control of Media Dynasty
By Jerry A. Kane
August 10, 2015

Five years ago FOX often had three conservatives on a panel. Many times they seated one liberal with two conservatives.

The unsavory love affair between print and electronic journalism was barely noticeable when the WaPo sent this guy over:

The sordid affair is now obvious to everyone blessed with a brain in good working order. Proof: The NY Times recently sent a man to Bret Baier’s panel in order to give the WaPo moral support.
Bottom line: The WaPo and the NY Times are published especially for the government à la Pravda. Nobody else reads either one. So why in hell is Cavuto whining?

Whiner Neil Cavuto: Media Not Picking on President, President Picking on Them
By Judi McLeod
November 20, 2019

Alas, the day is not far off when conservatives will not be allowed in the building let alone on-camera.
Last edited:
Five years ago FOX often had three conservatives on a panel. Many times they seated one liberal with two conservatives.

The unsavory love affair between print and electronic journalism was barely noticeable when the WaPo sent this guy over:

The sordid affair is now obvious to everyone blessed with a brain in good working order. Proof: The NY Times recently sent a man to Bret Baier’s panel in order to give the WaPo moral support.
Bottom line: The WaPo and the NY Times are published especially for the government à la Pravda. Nobody else reads either one. So why in hell is Cavuto whining?

Whiner Neil Cavuto: Media Not Picking on President, President Picking on Them
By Judi McLeod
November 20, 2019

Alas, the day is not far off when conservatives will not be allowed in the building let alone on-camera.

Cavuto IS a never-Trumper. It's very obvious.
FOX News Is STILL Hemorrhaging Viewers – CNN and MSNBC Trouncing the Former Pro-Trump Network
By Jim Hoft
Published December 25, 2020 at 7:30am

I was onto FOX several years before I started posting messages on JPP:

If all of those FOX liberals rushed to the port side of a ship the vessel would tilt it so far to the left it would roll over. FOX has gone so far left since Murdoch turned it over to his sons the other liberal networks look like they are on an even keel.

It looks like all of those FOX liberals finally capsized the ship:

NOTE: You can be sure that the number of liberal viewers will decrease thanks to China Joe Biden. FOX losing all of those conservative viewers also means FOX will get a smaller slice when the liberal pie is cut up with the other liberal networks.
This is a job for a idiot.

Unskilled labor - What does the job consist of?

Don't be lazy.

The green rags are for the lobby.
The blue rags are for the office.
The red rags are for the bathroom.

If he's so good at what he does why doesn't he pursue his goals?
Part of being successful is having a high tolerance for pain.
I don't want to be bothered.

I required a half a pension in 8 and a half years.
By normal standards it takse 15. How did you manage that one.
When I was in the basement. The tennant in the penthouse heard me.

I went to school at the union.

I work with my grandfather.


If FOX wants to legitimate its pseudo Fairness Doctrine the Murdoch Boys should approve of the filthiest attacks imaginable aimed at liberal douche bags like Leslie Marshell and Donna Brazile. That would be fair.

FOX is falling behind ABC in the race for hiring douche bags:

Former interim head of the Democratic National Convention Donna Brazile is leaving Fox News.

She will be joining ABC News as a contributor.

Former DNC Chair Donna Brazile Quietly Leaves Fox News
By ProTrump News Staff
Published May 29, 2021 at 8:00am
FOX is falling behind ABC in the race for hiring douche bags:

Monica Showalter elaborates on douche bags:

Paul Ryan still sits on the Fox board.

May 29, 2021
Bad times for the NeverTrump bunch over at Fox News
By Monica Showalter

For the record. Neither establishment Republican —— Ryan or Trump —— ever did anything for conservative Americans:

“Here’s one reality we have to face: If the conservative cause depends on the populist appeal of one personality, or on second-rate imitations, then we’re not going anywhere,” Ryan said.

Trump hits back at ‘weak and ineffective’ former Speaker Paul Ryan
By Dave Goldiner
New York Daily News
May 28, 2021 at 11:01 AM

Every establishment Republican ever born poses as a conservative. In Trump’s case he needs conservative votes if he actually runs again in 2024.

In Ryan’s case his ludicrous claim was a pathetic attempt to make FOX look like a conservative network:

Ryan defined himself as a “Reagan Conservative,” and Reagan himself is probably flipping in his grave over that. I do not consider myself a Reagan conservative, but I know enough about it to know Ryan is nowhere near that.

Paul Ryan Had Some Thoughts on the Future of the Republican Party—Did Anybody Stay Awake?
By Jennifer Oliver O'Connell
May 28, 2021 4:15 PM ET
Monica Showalter elaborates on douche bags:

Paul Ryan still sits on the Fox board.

May 29, 2021
Bad times for the NeverTrump bunch over at Fox News
By Monica Showalter

For the record. Neither establishment Republican —— Ryan or Trump —— ever did anything for conservative Americans:

“Here’s one reality we have to face: If the conservative cause depends on the populist appeal of one personality, or on second-rate imitations, then we’re not going anywhere,” Ryan said.

Trump hits back at ‘weak and ineffective’ former Speaker Paul Ryan
By Dave Goldiner
New York Daily News
May 28, 2021 at 11:01 AM

Every establishment Republican ever born poses as a conservative. In Trump’s case he needs conservative votes if he actually runs again in 2024.

In Ryan’s case his ludicrous claim was a pathetic attempt to make FOX look like a conservative network:

Ryan defined himself as a “Reagan Conservative,” and Reagan himself is probably flipping in his grave over that. I do not consider myself a Reagan conservative, but I know enough about it to know Ryan is nowhere near that.

Paul Ryan Had Some Thoughts on the Future of the Republican Party—Did Anybody Stay Awake?
By Jennifer Oliver O'Connell
May 28, 2021 4:15 PM ET

Good info. Thanks for posting it.