Rice vs Cheney


In probably the biggest story of the week, Rice struggles to appease the Cheney faction within the adminstration, who will not rest until they get their war, war, war.

If Rice loses, and she always has against this faction in the past, this will be the biggest story of the year, because we will attack Iran before bush leaves office, probably next spring.

U.S. Weighing Terrorist Label for Iran Guards
WASHINGTON, Aug. 14 — The Bush administration is preparing to declare that Iran’s Revolutionary Guard Corps is a foreign terrorist organization, senior administration officials said Tuesday.

If imposed, the declaration would signal a more confrontational turn in the administration’s approach to Iran and would be the first time that the United States has added the armed forces of any sovereign government to its list of terrorist organizations.

The Revolutionary Guard is thought to be the largest branch of Iran’s military. While the United States has long labeled Iran as a state sponsor of terrorism, a decision to single out the guard would amount to an aggressive new challenge from an American administration that has recently seemed conflicted over whether to take a harder line against Tehran over its nuclear program and what American officials have called its destabilizing role in Iraq.

According to European diplomats, Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice has warned of the move in recent conversations with European counterparts, saying that a delay in efforts to win approval from the United Nations Security Council for further economic sanctions on Iran was leaving the administration with little choice but unilateral action.

A move toward putting the Revolutionary Guard on the foreign terrorist list would serve at least two purposes for Ms. Rice: to pacify, for a while, administration hawks who are pushing for possible military action, and to further press America’s allies to ratchet up sanctions against Iran in the Security Council.

The State Department and Treasury officials are pushing for a stronger set of United Nations Security Council sanctions against members of Iran’s government, including an extensive travel ban and further moves to restrict the ability of Iran’s financial institutions to do business abroad. American officials have also been trying to get European and Asian banks to take additional steps against Iran.

Senior administration officials said current plans called for the declaration to be made this month, but cautioned that it could be put off, and that the effort could still be set aside if the Security Council moved more quickly to impose broad sanctions on Iran over its nuclear program.

The officials said the declaration was being pushed by Ms. Rice, and would not say if it had been endorsed by the National Security Council or the Pentagon.

President Bush seemed to signal a tougher approach to Iran last week when he called attention to what American officials have said was an active role by the Revolutionary Guard in providing munitions, training and other support to Shiite militants who have been attacking American troops in Iraq. “When we catch you playing a nonconstructive role, there will be a price to pay,” Mr. Bush said of Iran during a news conference on Thursday.

Listing would set in motion a series of automatic sanctions that would make it easier for the United States to block financial accounts and other assets controlled by the guard. In particular, the action would freeze any assets the guard has in the United States, although it is unlikely that the guard maintains much in the way of assets in American banks or other institutions.

In the internal debate over American policy toward Iran, Ms. Rice has succeeded over the last year in holding the Bush administration to a diplomatic course in which America and five other world powers have used the Security Council to impose sanctions to try to get Tehran to suspend its enrichment of uranium.

But in recent months, there has been resurgent debate within the administration about whether the diplomatic path is working, with aides to Vice President Dick Cheney said to be among those pushing for greater consideration of military options. The debate has been kindled by reports from international inspectors detailing Iran’s progress in its nuclear program, including the installation of more than 1,000 centrifuges to enrich uranium, as well as the assertions from American intelligence officials about an Iranian role in providing arms and other support to Shiite militias in Iraq and to Taliban militants in Afghanistan.

Cheney redefines the term "warmonger".

They won't be able to pull off a major offensive against Iran w/ something like this. I wouldn't put it past them to get more creative, though...
Cheney redefines the term "warmonger".

They won't be able to pull off a major offensive against Iran w/ something like this. I wouldn't put it past them to get more creative, though...

No, me either. They never say die, you know? They are single-minded in their fury and their purpose.
Obviouslyto rule the world - but under the guise of Protectionism.

:fogey: :fogey:

Diaper Don, Damocles in some sort of Senior program, like when you go to Kohls and get an 10% extra off because if you don't you will drive them crazy, has given you your own special smiley, I have put it here for you, twice. It is called "fogey", ha ha ho ho he he, Damocles really skewered you without your noticing, butt, that is what happens when you get skewered by a man who is not as well-endowed as yours truly, he could "slip it" right by you? sorry, touche.

Shame on you --- of all things, skewering me without my noticing, and even without a conversation between us. HEH HEH That Jerk is even farther out now,than he was a couple of weeks ago.
Ask yourself who would want an attack on Iran?

What entity, group, organization, or nation would want to see the US attack Iran?

Israel is the nation and AIPAC is the, very powerful, lobbying group here, who would want it. Is Cheney so entralled to Israel though? I feel like it's several reasons, and you've defintitely hit on a big one. But, also oil, oil interests, oil money and oil men I feel have to be involved. I'm not sure what else?