Richard Bloom MEP indulging in some plain speaking to the European Parliament

I could explain why he's wrong, but I do not have energy enough right now to repeat what I've repeated so often and so few people have clearly bothered to read. However, I get a new vyvanse script today, so expect a wall of text later on today.

He was being a bit OTT but you have to understand the level of disenchantment many have now about how the EU is totally completely disconnected from reality.
Well, my doctor never called responded to my inquiry for my vyvanse script, and as I set there depressed and hardly able to move, with the feelings of amphetamine withdrawal coming on, I decided to go to the liquor store, buy a big ass bottle of cheap whiskey, and not exist for a while. So, I drive all the way to Harrison county, and upon arriving at the liquor store I find that it's closed. For Memorial day. Well, I hope you bastards who gave your all and died for me and my country are enjoying your time in the sun, for you have temporarily raised obstacles in the path of my attempt to pathetically self-medicate myself while contributing nothing to the world and in general being a worthless leech.

Anyway, I hope you weren't getting your hopes up too much for that wall of text.

I worry about you, why are you taking a drug that is mainly prescribed for children with ADHD?
I am not a doctor but it seems to me that you have classic symptoms of Lisdexamphetamine Dimesylate addiction.

  1. The most common side-effects of Vyvanse abuse are to do with the stomach. Intake of the drug leads to a decrease in appetite. What little the person may be able to eat ends up being vomited. Gas also forms in the stomach; the person becomes easily bloated and can develop flatulence. All these factors lead to rapid weight loss. Some people may also develop abdominal pains.
  2. Sleeping disorders: Due to restlessness and the sensation of being alert, abusers of Vyvanse are not able to develop healthy sleep patterns. They become too restless and cannot relax enough for sleep to come. When they do get to sleep, they do so fitfully and are not able to sleep comfortably since they may have very vivid, nightmarish dreams.
  3. Physical dependence and addiction: When used for a prolonged period without following a doctor’s prescription, the body can build up a tolerance to the drug. Tolerance will lead to an increase in the dosages and eventually the person will become addicted and dependent on the drug in order to function in everyday life situations.
  4. Psychological disorders: The person may develop a maniac kind of personality, with a tendancy towards depression as well as suicidal tendencies. The person may also develop psychosis, which is especially detrimental in children.
  5. Withdrawal symptoms: When it has been taken for a long period of time, the person who suddenly stops using Vyvanse may develop a number of withdrawal symptoms. These symptoms develop because a person who has become used to the effects of the drug and has grown dependent upon it. The effects may be very severe if the abuse has been going on for some time.
  6. Severe side-effects: Some people may develop severe side effects from abuse of the drug. These severe side-effects can include joint pains, seizures, fainting, confusion, slurred speech plus a myriad of other problems.
  7. Overdose: When Vyvanse has been abused for a long time, a person may overdose on the drug. An overdose is characterized by a large amount of the drug in the body; the body becomes so overloaded that it cannot handle its effects. Some of the symptoms of an overdose include fainting, pinpoint pupils and problems with breathing and slow heartbeat, perhaps even coma.
[h=2][/h]I am not a doctor but it seems to me that you have classic symptoms of Lisdexamphetamine Dimesylate addiction.

Kind of ridiculous to refer to it as "Lisdexamphetamine Dimesylate addiction" when it's just amphetamine (or "speed", to use street terminology) once it's processed through your stomach.

The most common side-effects of Vyvanse abuse are to do with the stomach. Intake of the drug leads to a decrease in appetite. What little the person may be able to eat ends up being vomited. Gas also forms in the stomach; the person becomes easily bloated and can develop flatulence. All these factors lead to rapid weight loss. Some people may also develop abdominal pains.

Makes sense. Amphetamine was actually used primarily as a weight loss drug in the past. It's ability to suppress ADD symptoms was a rather recent development, and it became widely used in this area mainly due to it's long half-life (12 hours) compared to Ritalin (a mere 4 hours).

Sleeping disorders: Due to restlessness and the sensation of being alert, abusers of Vyvanse are not able to develop healthy sleep patterns. They become too restless and cannot relax enough for sleep to come. When they do get to sleep, they do so fitfully and are not able to sleep comfortably since they may have very vivid, nightmarish dreams.

I've been off of Vyvanse for the past 15 days or so. My recent insomnia wasn't due to it. It's obviously a stimulant, and it's fucking invaluable if you need to stay up a night for studying, but if you take it in the morning you won't have any sleep disruption.

Physical dependence and addiction: When used for a prolonged period without following a doctor’s prescription, the body can build up a tolerance to the drug. Tolerance will lead to an increase in the dosages and eventually the person will become addicted and dependent on the drug in order to function in everyday life situations.

Well, I know all about this.

Psychological disorders: The person may develop a maniac kind of personality, with a tendancy towards depression as well as suicidal tendencies. The person may also develop psychosis, which is especially detrimental in children.

I don't really get any of these symptoms. Where I do anything simialar to mania or depression, it's more of a sign that I'm off Vyvanse than anything else. I am an incredibly boring person on Vyvanse.

Withdrawal symptoms: When it has been taken for a long period of time, the person who suddenly stops using Vyvanse may develop a number of withdrawal symptoms. These symptoms develop because a person who has become used to the effects of the drug and has grown dependent upon it. The effects may be very severe if the abuse has been going on for some time.

Withdrawal from amphetamine really isn't that bad compared to a lot of other things. I find it much harder to quit drinking coffee, actually.

  1. Severe side-effects: Some people may develop severe side effects from abuse of the drug. These severe side-effects can include joint pains, seizures, fainting, confusion, slurred speech plus a myriad of other problems.

Never anything like that.

Overdose: When Vyvanse has been abused for a long time, a person may overdose on the drug. An overdose is characterized by a large amount of the drug in the body; the body becomes so overloaded that it cannot handle its effects. Some of the symptoms of an overdose include fainting, pinpoint pupils and problems with breathing and slow heartbeat, perhaps even coma.

How on Earth could it cause slow heartbeat? When I've been off the drug for enough days to reset my tolerance and I go back on, my pupils will actually be larger for a couple of days until I readjust. That's about it.

Really, you've told me nothing I don't already know.