Richardson asks Democrats to keep campaign positive


JPP Modarater
WASHINGTON (AP) -- Democratic presidential candidate Bill Richardson is proposing a rule that is common on kindergarten playgrounds but doesn't usually work in politics -- be nice to each other.

I totally agree with Richardson. All they will succeed in doing is cannabalizing one another to point of unelectability (new word to the dictionary - don't bother trying to find it - it will be out in later editions of webster - I swear) and give the repugnants ammo.
Oh, we disagree on this one Lady T.

In 2004, the dumbass democrats ran around just before their convention, practically taking blood oaths, not to “bad mouth President Bush” And they all fell in line. Oh they got their marching orders alright. Straight from the likes of the Lieberman wing of their own party, and from the Republicans who were whining BEFORE the convention that the dems “Might” bash Bush. So they all couldn’t line up fast enough to swear on a bible that they would do NO such thing.

And the only one who marched out of line was Al Sharpton, and boy did I LOVE that man’s speech. Everyone I know loved his speech. It was a breath of fresh air.

The Dems gained NO bounce from their convention, and two weeks later when the Republicans held theirs, they bashed the Democrats bloody. Absolutely bloody.

So let’s recap. First the Republicans intimidate the Democrats into taking oaths on their mother’s graves that they will not say anything negative about President Bush. Then, Republicans dive into the sewer only weeks later, and throw every stink bomb they can think of at the Dems.

And…Who won in 04?
In 2004, the dumbass democrats ran around just before their convention, practically taking blood oaths, not to “bad mouth President Bush” And they all fell in line.

Oh, no! you misunderstood. I completely agree that they were way to gutless in '04. During the general election I have no problems with them trashing the repugnant candidate. However when they trash each other in the primaries one day and are then doing photo ops with the winners the next, it makes the dems look like weak opportunists. During the primary they should stick to the issues and let the voters decide. I have no problems with political bloodbath during the general election. Especially after how low the repugs stooped in the 06 campaigns.
Ohhh. Sorry, I didn't realize it was about the primaries.

I agree with that too.

I just felt that bashing one another during the primaries flies in your face two months down the line when you're kissing the candidates @$$.
WASHINGTON (AP) -- Democratic presidential candidate Bill Richardson is proposing a rule that is common on kindergarten playgrounds but doesn't usually work in politics -- be nice to each other.

I totally agree with Richardson. All they will succeed in doing is cannabalizing one another to point of unelectability (new word to the dictionary - don't bother trying to find it - it will be out in later editions of webster - I swear) and give the repugnants ammo.

I'm actually looking forward to Dennis Kucinich and Mike Gravel grilling the crap out of Hillary in the next debate, about her support of the Iraq War.
Bush seems to have killed that commandment....
but that does explain why it took so long...
Shame on the Republicans for putting party before country.
Bush seems to have killed that commandment....
but that does explain why it took so long...
Shame on the Republicans for putting party before country.
It was a primary "commandment" and only on himself. It enforced an idea to keep his message positive rather than negative.
Umm it seemed to be for the entire party as I recall....
guess i will have to do some searches later...
Nah, he didn't have that kind of power. He set this upon himself during the primary. And he only advocated with it the same thing that Bill Richardson is advocating. Pulling each other down during the primaries by going negative only helps the opposition when it comes to the election.

It also forces the campaign to become idea oriented. If you are not trashing your opponent you must define how you are different from them, putting ideas out rather than slander ads.
I'm actually looking forward to Dennis Kucinich and Mike Gravel grilling the crap out of Hillary in the next debate, about her support of the Iraq War.

As long as its based in political issues rooted around the election, that's great! But Hillary's whining about Obama not giving the money back is ridiculous in my opinion. Seemed a little McCainish to me.
Nah, he didn't have that kind of power. He set this upon himself during the primary. And he only advocated with it the same thing that Bill Richardson is advocating. Pulling each other down during the primaries by going negative only helps the opposition when it comes to the election.

It also forces the campaign to become idea oriented. If you are not trashing your opponent you must define how you are different from them, putting ideas out rather than slander ads.

Its a good idea. It does no good to the overall cause.
Or at least semi-mature people that have their wits about them to know not to trash their own party members that they will be supporting a couple of months down the line.