Ricky Gervais- After Life

I can't stand that guy.
That's because you have no sense of humor unless it involves liberals dying.

Watch his program "An Idiot Abroad". It's one of the funniest TV Shows ever produced (as was "The Office"...and if it makes you feel better he's not the star of the show. The star of the show, Karl, makes Skidmark look like a genius. After you've watched it I'm sure you'll have a much higher opinion of Ricky after what he puts the poor idiot through.

I mean seriously we need to do a US version of that show and make Skidmark the protagonist. Just think of all the fun that could be had sending him abroad? First stop would be an Al Qaeda Camel driver school or to spend a day in a Mongolian kumis plant.

In one of the episodes Ricky sends the main character, "Karl" to the US where he has the choice of flying as a trick performer on the top wing of a bi-plane or attend a gay leather festival in Chicago. Karl chooses the bi-plane and is promptly sent to Indiana where he takes one look at the bi-plane...shits himself and heads off to Chicago. The next scene shows him on the dance floor of a gay rave leather festival surrounded by a bunch of huge gay leather bears dancing...Karl's eyes are about as big as dinner plates.

The next scene is of the biplane flying with Karl on top of the wings screaming his head off while the plane does a loop in the sky. I about died laughing.
Hes a funny guy

could be good if its not too depressing

Its a challenge to walk the earth telling the truth

it often confuses and befuddles people

believe me I know