Righties are Hypocrytes


New member
Yep, that's right. I am a righty, and am saying that righties are hyprocrites. In fact, righties are the only people who can even be hypocrites. Righty par is a high standard, and the most we can do is to do our best to meet that standard. We do what we can to meet the standard, but inevitably we fall short. What this means, is that we promote a standard that we do not live up to, which of course makes us hypocrites. Kind of like in Christianity, where Jesus set the standard that all Christians strive to live up to, yet none of them ever will. Like Christians, righties are unable to live up to their very own standard, which is because the standard is HIGH.

Hypocrite is a word that packs a lot of punch, and is considered a derogatory term, but righties should actually be proud when they are called hypocrites, here's why. While our standard may be too high to live up to, at least we HAVE a standard. How can somebody be a hypocrite if they do not even have a standard to fall short of? Not only are we the only ones who even have a standard that we can fall short of, but the standard is set so high that none of us can even live up to it! Of course we are hypocrites, and every last one of us will fall short of our standard in our own way, just as Christians fall short of the standard that was established for them. Righties, when somebody calls you a hypocrite for not living up to the righty standard, be proud that you have a high standard, and remember that your accuser does not. Your accuser can not be a hypocrite, any more than a dog or cat can, since he does not even have a standard to fall short of.