Rightists refusal of a legal process to people with alleged migration violations


Should be taken as tacit proof of their actual intent of ethnic cleansing. Why would they be so hesitant to allow their judgments to be put to trial if they were at all confident in them? In fact they are largely ethnically cleansing Hispanic Americans with citizenship, alleging false immigration violations and abusing their power because there's nothing in the system to check they claim.
Should be taken as tacit proof of their actual intent of ethnic cleansing. Why would they be so hesitant to allow their judgments to be put to trial if they were at all confident in them? In fact they are largely ethnically cleansing Hispanic Americans with citizenship, alleging false immigration violations and abusing their power because there's nothing in the system to check they claim.

No due process for illegals. Line them up and shoot them
No due process for illegals. Line them up and shoot them

I agree with the "No due process for illegals." They should be deported immediately, no questions asked. They are not American citizens, therefore they do not deserve ANY rights afforded to American citizens. No "due process" of any kind whatsoever. Anyone who harbors these illegal aliens should be deported right along with these illegals as well.
There are good people who wish to go through the legal process to become American citizens, I welcome them (the exception being those who wish to come here only to take advantage of the "free shit" and gov't handouts) and wish them successful and prosperous lives because they prove their worth by wanting to come here legally.
I also believe these "sanctuary cities" should have all federal government funding cut off completely, they are breaking federal laws by harboring illegal aliens.I also believe any local authorities who do not cooperate with ICE in rounding up and deporting illegals should be held accountable for not enforcing existing laws.