APP - Rim Fire


New member
We're 20 miles away, and can see the smoke from this fire. A LOT of smoke coming up over the ridge.

It's up to 105,000 plus acres now; mostly heading into national forest and national park land, so shouldn't threaten too many people and houses; but pretty awful and let's hope it doesn't change direction and threaten more towns. 2 houses lost so far.

The West is on fire! Try to send some of the rain we have been experiencing!
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Whew...I thought this was about hemorrhoid s.

(Hope y'all are ok Tekky. It's been raining two days straight here)
Only a shortage if you didn't stockpile them for a few years.

Sure, but I shot them (or my son did) as soon as I bought them. He'd go through a brick (500 rounds) a week easily during the Fall and Winter. Haven't been able to do that in a long time. His "training" is severely lacking these days.

As an aside, I'm taking him for his hunter safety course tomorrow. Can't believe it's already that time. Ten years grow too fast.
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Funny! I guess our "event" isn't as famous as I thought! (smile)

Lol...I knew you guys were burning out there. I was just joining in on the tomfoolery. That could be me in that first pic when we catch on fire out here...yellow suit and all. :).
Sure, but I shot them (or my son did) as soon as I bought them. He'd go through a brick (500 rounds) a week easily during the Fall and Winter. Haven't been able to do that in a long time. His "training" is severely lacking these days.

As an aside, I'm taking him for his hunter safety course tomorrow. Can't believe it's already that time. Ten years grow too fast.

That's not stockpiling. I would buy them in the 5,000+ bulk. When I moved last year, by far the heaviest and hardest thing to move was my ammo surplus.
That's not stockpiling. I would buy them in the 5,000+ bulk. When I moved last year, by far the heaviest and hardest thing to move was my ammo surplus.

Last time I moved it was the LP collection that was the heaviest stuff to move. And we've gotten more since then.

Different worlds, for sure!

Rune, hope your cousins are a safe distance.
Been watching this more and more. Looks like San Francisco might be greatly affected. Get you some provisions stored up, Cawacko.