APP - RINO Treachery

So it looks Christopher Steele was peddling his wares all over town and the travesty that is John McShamnesty was the one who made sure Buzzfeed got it.

I hate these people with a passion.

I know we are glib with the term rinos at times, but it's very important to note that we have a lot of republicans that are simply secret democrats and operating undercover. think republican fakes like comey, who claims to be a republican in spite of his entire family being hillary supporting pussyhatters. Is it possible to have family memebrs with different political views? Of course.. is it possible to be a straight up g-man republican traditionalist and have your family be pussyhat marching crybabies? that's much harder imo.

If the republican establishment wanted the wall, we could get the wall. They want open borders just as much as the dems, they just don't say it as loud.
I know we are glib with the term rinos at times, but it's very important to note that we have a lot of republicans that are simply secret democrats and operating undercover. think republican fakes like comey, who claims to be a republican in spite of his entire family being hillary supporting pussyhatters. Is it possible to have family memebrs with different political views? Of course.. is it possible to be a straight up g-man republican traditionalist and have your family be pussyhat marching crybabies? that's much harder imo.

If the republican establishment wanted the wall, we could get the wall. They want open borders just as much as the dems, they just don't say it as loud.

I agree 100%

I laugh when I hear people proclaim “Comey and Mueller are Republicans”

What people are missing (other than you and I) is that a political reordering taking place. They also don’t know their history. Examples are people like Bill Kristol, Max Boot and George Will. They have long been considered staunch conservatives, but an in depth analysis would show that not to be the case

You see time was Bill Kristol’s Dad was a liberal democrat. This was back when both parties pretty much agreed on foreign policy coming out of WWII but differed on social policy. Both liberals and establishment republicans have disdain for true blue conservatives, particulate social conservatives.

The schism occurred when leftists became soft on Communism. Then we got the neoconservatives led by Irving Kristol. They were interventionists and they hated the USSR. So they aligned themselves with conservatives and the religious tight never really wanting to pursue their policy goals.

There are two issues that RINOs have sold us out on, illegal immigration and abortion.

We have gotten fed up. That is why we have Trump
There is a popular notion perpetuated by JPP lefties, and lefties everywhere, that Never Trumpers are spontaneously occurring by suddenly flipping from the pro Trump crowd over to a group of righties that have finally seen the lefty light. It is a crock of shit.