RINOS and NeverTrumpers always get it wrong


Here are some comments from one of JPPs resident NeverTrumpers who proclaims to be a "principled" conservative, but is nothing more than a left wing mouthpiece who sucks up all of the leftists propaganda and probably sucks off Bill Kristol and Michael Steele

These are all of the predictions of this fucking douche in 2016 about President Trump. Every one of them was fucking wrong

J craft, if it makes you feel better:

1) I live in California so Hillary is going to win my state easily

2) I will vote at night and by that time the election will be over

So how I vote will literally have zero influence on the election

That aside that article says nothing to me. Trump is a disaster and is destroying my party. I will not support it. This is in zero way an endorsement of Hillary. I refuse to join my party in committing suicide

I'll be real here. High school educated white males cannot win a national election. But that is essentially Trump's coalition. Trump has made zero effort to expand the Republican base. In fact what he has done is shrink it. That is long term suicide. I will not participate in that.

I could be wrong but I see very little chance of Trump winning and I think he's doing long term damage to the party.

His appeal is largely focused on high school educated white men. Again, that cannot win a national election and it won't going forward. The party needs to expand. Trump is closing the door instead

Exit polling shows that Trump expanded the Republican base. He had the highest vote total among minorities than any Republican Presidential candidate in 60 years including Reagan. Not Cawackfucks McShamnest or Romney came even close. But, this fucking douchebag tells us we need to do things HIS way to expand the party.

Well you RINO NeverTrumpers can go fuck yourselves. You are dead as a political force. The left doesn't want you and it clear where your loyalties lie if you would rather vote for Buyden. Instead of destroying the party Trump has expanded it. Has this duplicitous fuck come out and admitted he is wrong? Fuck no. He is a phony. He is a fraud and I am glad I can expose it.

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