RIP Grumpy the cat

I just discovered him recently and today I heard he passed away! Sad

death is what happens when men [evil], use their "scientific" knowledge and understanding to interfere with the natural order. death, premature and eventual death to the entire species. death. not a fan of hybridizing

This had nothing to do with anyone using their "scientific" knowledge and understanding to interfere with the natural order.


Tardar Sauce was one of a litter of four kittens born to a calico mother and a blue-and-white tabby putative father at the home of her owner, Tabatha Bundesen of Morristown, Arizona. The Bundesens said that Tardar Sauce's face appeared grumpy because the feline had a form of dwarfism. Though the mother and father were described as "normal sized domestic short hair cats", Tardar Sauce was undersized and had hind legs that are "a bit different". Both she and her brother, Pokey, were born with "a flat face, bubble eyes, and a short tail". Although she had a "grumpy" appearance and was called "Grumpy Cat", according to the Bundesens, "Ninety-nine percent of the time she is just a regular cat."

Dwarf Cats — What to Know

Because so many organs are affected by pituitary dwarfism, cats with the disease rarely live a full life span. They may have other hormonal abnormalities as well as problems with multiple organs.