Rob Dawg


Verified User
How is your MBA coming? What are you doing when it is over? Marketing? Real Estate? Corporate Finance? Portfolio management? Financial analyst stuff?

I'm out working at a hedge fund right now....mostly in commodities trading, I'm mostly writing code to work as an interface to real time data feeds, which triggers a lot of trade alerts, etc....kind of like "algorithmic trading".

I have a headhunter out in NY that really wants to set me up out there.....but the east coast sucks.......
Hi Derek, its coming along. Im taking a summer course and have been mad busy w/ it since the beginning of july, but the course ends tomorrow and im stoked. I had the worst professor ever. for the past 2 years at Central every professor i had was great, this one is so unprepared for class, she even wrote her own book w/ tons of grammar errors in it which we had to buy for 60 bucks, and had tons of projects to do... her tests had NOTHING to do with what we had to study and i don't know if it was b/c it was such a short time frame and we had to study for the tests in such a short period of time, but i got a 79.5 on the first test and a 71 on the second test. Im not beating myself up about it b/c i studied hard as hell, and also b/c everyone else did bad too. one lady got a 46 on one of the tests. There were a few people who tried to drop the course b/c they weren't doing well but couldn't b/c it was past the deadline to drop. I thought that was stupid i mean i didn't waste one month of summer only to drop a course, id rather take a C. But she told us that she wouldn't give anything lower than a B-. and i did the math and most likely ill come out w/ a B. which is fine. I have a presentation tomorrow (thursday) then its all over. Ill be done next summer. Im taking 2 courses this fall and my 2 final courses next spring then im over. Thats why i took the summer course so i wouldn't have to try to take 3 courses next year which would be real tough or take a course in fall 07. I haven't really thought about what im doing after i finish next year. Some things i have thought about are i might ask my boss for more money in the spring of next year during my review, or I might just find a new job. Probably going to be an analyst like Chapdog or something. I don't really want a manager role yet, b/c my current job i don't really do much and want to get my feet wet more w/ accounting and reporting to someone so its not my ass.
I thought you were an asst professor. Hedge funds are cool. I took a derivatives course last fall and LOVED it. I find derivatives really exciting and had a great professor.

Derek east coast is OK. but NY, is a class all its own. I think you might like it. though its far from your family, you could probably find something in Chicago i know thats close to WI. and you have the CBOT out there.

You should go out to NY and see if you like it.