Rob Hoogland released / What Else I Have Been Doing With Thousands Of Canadian Busine

David Jeffrey Spetch

Verified User
Rob Hoogland released / What Else I Have Been Doing With Thousands Of Canadian Business Contacts

Update, I am now surpassing having extracted 3000 business contacts across Canada and the second message I have been sharing with businesses after raising awareness to the issue of Bill C-10, is the following composition of which the first 2000 business contacts across Canada have already received before May 07 2021. Latest news is that I found out on May 07 2021 that Rob Hoogland was just freed. But this really happened and is happening, a must see red flag, wool pulled over your eyes Canadians even at your children's expense. My pleasure to raise awareness behind the scenes to end such madness. The very next day, 700 more businesses across Canada received this very paragraph only now this paragraph has been modified to address you.

The following composition is exactly how it was sent to approximately a thousand Federal, Provincial and Territorial elected and appointed officials across Canada recently. Any of you that are parents, this poor guy could be you going to jail for protecting your children which is why this information is among the utmost of importance and why this is infuriating. I write with a great deal of passion. FYI Thanks to all who signed Pierre Poilievre's Bill C-10 petition of the 1800 business contacts from various cities across Canada I managed to gather these past couple of days as I have saved this as a last resort for years and now the time has come.

Freaks Are Turning Kids Into Suicide Cases While Parents Are Jailed For Raising Public Awareness

Rob Hoogland has been jailed for standing against a sick group of head cases abusing his daughter as well letting the world know about this extremely offensive and inexcusable injustice. It's not Rob that belongs in prison but the pathetic lying sacks who had anything to do with putting him in there!

Now we have these sick LGBT freaks turning kids into suicide cases while claiming not allowing them to do this to innocent little children is what promotes suicide because all these sickos do is lie and deceive compulsively and obsessively and they lie and deceive because they have no validity what so ever, just more lies and deceptions as they so eagerly demonstrate time and time again over the years. They even replace definitions of words in dictionaries with their lies and deceptions because that's all the LGBT knows how to do is lie and deceive when it comes to the foundation of their every issue I have addressed over the decades. And because all that these sickos know how to do is lie and deceive, they lobby officials to support such sick and filthy lies and deceptions as the 2017 amendment to Bill C-16 to try and make everyone else a sick and pathetic liar as the lgbt is of which you can stick the "2017 amendment where the sun doesn't shine" I say to the federal officials of Canada who stooped to passing such sick and filthy rubbish because that is the only place which such garbage belongs really is up yours!!! They are so retarded that they even try calling an exchange of words "family violence"! Sickening the lot of them!!!

Our officials are sick for turning their backs on the well being and sanity of current and future generations of Canadians while instead catering to the sick low life scum bag globalist agenda. So much for democracy because lobbyist dictatorship is not a democracy but a sick joke played on citizens in countries posing as democracies.

All of the people including the so called Justice of the Peace (justice, as if there is any justice here when a group of sickos puts a restraining order on you to try and keep your from exposing their abuse to your child) should be the one's in prison for supporting child abuse on top of keeping a Canadian in jail for standing up for the well being and sanity of his own daughter.

Canada, do you really feel comfortable with such sickos as the LGBT getting all of the say when it comes to turning your children being butchered into suicide cases, or officials supporting such disgusting filth?!! Infuriating.

Primary Fact: there is only one kind of male and that is the kind born with a penis and the lgbt's opinion will never change this fact.

Primary Fact: there is only one kind of female and that is the kind born with a vagina and the lgbt's opinion will never change this fact.

Primary Fact: there is only one kind of heterosexual and that is the kind who have sex exclusively with those BORN with the opposite sex genital that the individual them self is BORN with.

Fact: A male born with a penis pretending to be female and trying to deceive heterosexual males into sex is a homosexual male trying to rob heterosexuals of the right, freedom and liberty to be heterosexual with their sick, filthy disgusting low life scum bag LGBT lies and deceptions because Fact: There is only one kind of homosexual the kind who has sex exclusively with those born with the same sex genital that the individual them self is born with and the LGBT's opinion will never change these facts.

Before I conclude, lies lead to war and divide and here we have these LGBT sickos going around lying too and deceiving people while also trying to blame the people that they lie too as who to blame for any violence their sick lgbt lies lead towards. I do not advocate violence, I am all for removing lies from legislation and school boards etc. The officials of Canada appear to want people to beat the crap out of each other, and that makes sense because why else would they force such sick and filthy lies through legislation aside from attempting to turn Canadians into phonies, liars and cowards.

And bravo to the United Kingdom for moving forward by a milestone through disbanding the LGBT advisory panel (a group of compulsive obsessive liars feeding officials rubbish at tax payers expense). Removing their lies removes motivation for violence. Round of applause for setting such a fine example. This infuriated me, if you find the story (BBC site) you will find these sickos trying to blame the UK government for violence that the LGBT's lies and deceptions lead towards. That's all these sickos do is lie and deceive, so cheap and pathetic the lot of them!

Anyway, here is the most current information on Rob Hoogland thrown in prison by a bunch of criminals trying to make criminals out of Canadian parents for caring about the well being and sanity of their own children. These people including the JP, the officials that supported such rubbish, as well the LGBT, doctors, teachers (whom turned their backs on their professions to keep their jobs much because of the 2017 amendment to Bill C-16) involved are obviously all very sick in the head.

and then see

Rob Hoogland released



Primary Factual Fundamentalist
World Class Activist
David Jeffrey Spetch
Ps. Be good, be strong!
Hamilton Ontario Canada
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This poor Canadian guy men and ladies! We cannot allow officials to go unpunished for this conduct any longer! Screwing your child's life while trying to make a criminal out of you thus attempting to use threat of prison to make you cower from exposing what they are pulling on you and your child with fellow Canadians and the public globally! No parent deserves this, this is infuriating!!!